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I looked at the nissan nv200e electric can 2 years ago. I actually agree with you for wanting one and thinking it is good for the environment with all the stop starts. The thing that put me off was that the battery is under the loadspace..... so under the water tank. So to have a crash tested system with a 500 litre tank wasn't an option at the time as the bolts that hold the tank to the chassis would be obstructed by the battery.Ignore many of the above comments by those who think they know all about this subject based on comments like ' my mate said' etc. Maybe in the last 2 years things have moved on. Also as an owner of an electric car with genuine expreience the cost for a home charger is between 500 and 1000..... not 1500 as previously quoted.My round being quite compact would mean I would charge the van every 2 days and the price of electric compared to diesel currently is between 30 to 50 percent...... so still offers good cost savings.The main drawback is the cost of the vehicle. I hope you find this information useful as opposed to some of the crap written before