You shouldn't have to faff about replacing belts on these electric reels...they should last many years without any problems for the price they cost....
Agreed. Unfortunately belts are a wearable item. They are put under a lot of strain as they start and when they snag. So they will inevitably break.
Added to tension issues as belts become slack and loose tension over time. I’m sure a lot of the issues that power up have faced is down to belts not being tensioned up before they get 2 loose and by that point they get damaged.
Overall the design is fantastic. Belts in my view are better than chains as they are quieter for one thing.
They could have soft start on the motor or redesign to make the belt replaceable with just a cover and loosening the tension. Or accept back any that have belt issues and with in 3 days get it back to you with a new belt at only the cost of the belt. Or design it for stronger wider belts. But it all takes cost and who’s paying for that.