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I came home today to no water having been filtered in my static tank The booster pump had knocked off so iv hit the reset button a few times and it just keeps knocking off after a minute or two Its done this before but usually when i hit the reset it just works as normal again Anybody had this before iv only been using this pump about a year
Dosnt seem to be ice all hoses and filters seem fine Il try the pruning as you say see if that works As I say it’s done it during the summer aswel but hit the reset once and it runs as normal all night again Just wondering if I can’t get it sorted I have one of the control panels for the booster pump auto shut off etc If I turn the booster pump off and just connect the hose to the system as normal bypassing the booster will the panel still control the auto shut off etc
its a new solenoid about six months ago so i dont think so when the booster isnt running i can still hear the water going into the tank but it just seems very slow im just worried it wont be filled by the morning this has been a testing week for sure lol these things are sent to test us and of course it all happens when ur just hoping to get a couple of good weeks work done to finish off for the holidays thanks for the advice fingers crossed its filled in the morning then at least i have the weekend to have a better tinker