Thanks for the advice guys.
So it appears going to small claims court is definitely not worth the effort, the mediation is not worth the effort either.
What about the idea of just sending the debt collection letters as a way to intimidate? I used to find that sending letter before actions would get atleast 50%+ of people to pay just out of fear alone.
After reading these posts on here it was news to me that taking people to small claims court is now not as viable as it was only a few years ago.
Maybe other people dont realise this? Maybe just me sending the threat letter alone will get them to pay. I might try this.
In terms of taking payments upfront. So we currently take between 25-50% deposit on 1st time orders.
When we establish trust with window cleaners though we stop taking payments upfront and so far for about 90% of the window cleaners i work with they pay promptly and its no issues.
It seems to just be a small number of window cleaners who take advantage of this and then all of a sudden stop paying for my services.
Every occasion this has happened has been with a one man band operator. Its never happened with a firm that has 2+ vans on the road.
So possibly with the small one man band operators i will have to start taking 50% payment upfront on every single order.
Or i was thinking of implementing a new strategy where for any new cleaner that i work with the first 5 orders its 50% payment upfront, but then when trust is established or at my discretion i will stop taking payments upfront if i get good vibes. Atleast half the people who are currently not paying me i had some kind of bad energy feeling towards them, my gut feeling was right, but i still chose to take the risk of working with them. Sometimes you have too though. One window cleaner who gave me really dodgy vibes, i gave him a chance and he spent 10k+ in a year with me and hes referred so much work my way. Sometimes risks are needed.
Dont get me wrong i could start taking 100% payment up front but i just know this will put off so many new window cleaners from working with me, as no trust is established at this stage. I'd almost rather make it easier for people to work with me knowing 95% will be fine and the odd person who might try and do me over i can live with that if i have too.