I had excruciating pain in my left shoulder clearing out a very badly blocked up gutter over three years ago, i'd been
using a gutter vac for five years, but on a good percentage of gutters that had been neglected for many years, the Vac
was not viable, so had to get the ladder up and do by hand, but this pain was something else, and getting worse, i got an appointment with a recommended Physio in a local private hospital, she examined my shoulder, did all the painful stretching
etc, she recommended i get an MRI done, i got this done privately for 200 euros, as i couldn't wait for months on the Irish NHS,
as i was desperate to sort the pain out, went back to the physio, she explained the results of the MRI, the Tendon in my
shoulder was very inflamed close to the Rotator Cuff, which was causing this dam pain, she recommended taking a couple
of weeks off work to rest the shoulder, painkillers and gentle physio, to get the shoulder back to normal.
I went back to work three weeks later, Window Cleaning only, never did Gutter clearing again after that, that's three years
ago, never had a problem with my shoulder since, thank God.