Took battery back to supplier & was changed no questions asked. Both battery chargers work fine on it.
What do you think my regime of charging should be. Charge after a couple of days overnight on a slow charge?
Hi Paul
Glad to hear you have a new one.
So if both chargers are working fine? then it was like I said a short in the battery?
Explosion springs to mind, and take my word for it you don't want to be any were near a battery when it explodes.
Paul I know its more expense but the sooner you can buy the
intelligent charger go for it. I don't know what your work load is so its difficult to say.
But remember my post about letting it get to low, and lead deplesion. All I can say is charge it on a regular basis and keep it topped up, a trickle charge over night wont hurt it. and will keep it nicely topped up.
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