They are really bad Slacky..are you going to pressure wash them...
I did 550 on a chicken farm a couple of months back it was a nice easy job, no lichen, just really dusty.
Yea, I’ll P/W them.
Half of them will be done off a cherry picker, so that’ll be a little slower than regular easy access stuff. The other half straight out of the valley between two adjoining roofs. Im thinking 4 days, simply because they’re so bad. I’ll be perfectly happy if it turns out to be 5 days. 3 would be a result!
It’s a good job money wise. I did an 800 panel array up near Heathrow in the new year, P/W, took two days, but it wasn’t something you could let up was two full days, but again solar panels are good money given the right job and volume of work.