It’s not you’re choice imo it’s the customers choice I have jobs that I can’t clean in the rain and I except that they prefer it if it’s not raining,I am not going to argue and put up an argument about the fact they stay clean when cleaning in the rain certain customers are paying good money over the course of the year.
If they are smaller jobs that I wouldn’t care about losing then I could accept that point of view out of 10-20 jobs close to each other and 2-3 moan who cares it’s only a small amount lost over a year if they cancel but not bigger domestic work,it makes no sense I always have work I can do on a wet day if I wanted to work a bird in the hand and all that.
How you are willing to operate your business is entirely your choice.
You have chosen to work for customers who dictate when you can and can't clean.
Others have chosen better customers.
I understand why you do it, I would too if I felt it was worth it. I probably do have a few customers that I think I'll do that one in the morning when it's not raining and I'll do that one later instead as I don't care about that one....there's always an element of ducking and diving, but only to a certain point. I will try to accomodate people to an extent but only if it suits me, i wouldn't throw my round out of order over it would rather just skip the job.