so basically your not paying hours your paying "piece" work - if they complete their 350 in 5 hours or in 9 hour they get paid the same ?
so if I worked for you and took 2 weeks holiday how do I know what im going to be paid ? - 30% of the 350 per day £116
what I mean about the hours is outworkers ( paid on piece work or a percentage ) get to choose hours or work - start and finish times - not the employer - personally I think its a brave decision to pay only % of income other than hourly rate - I don't have the in depth knowledge to know legally whether you are on the right side of employment law or not but i can fore see issues with the system if weather effected - equipment breakdowns - no van for the day
your annual leave rate is worked out as an average of their earnings. I think it's average of their last 3 months earnings. that's based on employment law, my bookkeeper knows the specifics.
the chaps keep their vans at home and can start and end when they like provided the worklist is completed. I'm not paying them by the hour but on work completed (unless they are not completing enough work when they are on minimum wage (which means they're training))
there have been no issues with not being able to work. quite the opposite. last year is the first time no van has frozen and been unable to work in the morning. they keep the vans at home and know if they cant work they will be down or catching up at weekends.
likewise when the van needs a service or work done they sort it themselves at weekends or out of work hours so they can keep earning.
they are happy enough with the system as it seems fair to fair and they earn great and have lots of freedom.
i believe its all well and good with employment law from the advice i've had. like you I'm not an expert, but i don't overly worry about stuff like that as everyone is happy with the system and it seems fair and they understand it
in terms of being unable to wor