Hiya hope everyone is well, bit of a strange question really about bird poo staining window frames, I always offer new customers a deep clean on the frames on my first visit as at an extra cost (I use ubik and under rubout) but 99% of the time in my experience people are just happy for me to remove what I can with WFP, but today I saw some bird poo on a window frame which I removed but noticed it left a small yellow stain, so now wondering if I should carry ubik bottle with me incase I see something like that again, but I also think should I be removing stains for free as I would have to use my ubik (which isn't cheap) and it takes up more time, but also dont really think I could add a charge to remove a small stain, so I'm feeling a bit conflicted as I don't feel I could charge extra for the odd small stain but also dont want to do extra for nothing, hope this weeks sense 😅