When first plugged in it works perfectly. After a while, it doesn't shut off fully. Work on and it doesn't shut off at all.
Leave it for a night and try again and it's fine - for a little while and then it doesn't shut off at all.
Any thoughts or fixes?
Hi EandM
Sounds an unusual issue.
Can I ask a few questions?
1. How old is the item? Has it always done this?
2. What temperature water are you using?
3. Do you have an in van resin bead system? Is the vessel pre or post the pump?
Usually an issue along these lines would be due to something getting trapped, although your issue does not sound completely like this. If something is trapped it is good to reverse flush the valve whilst open. To do so remove the gooseneck from the pole turn around and connect the top hose to the pole hose and flush dirt out (if there is any).