Finance talk is interesting. I’m not big on it, but I think it’s wise to have savings.
So for those who think it’s pointless…….Stocks and shares ISA.
This is something I’ve only just started understanding, and is very good for savings as long as you know what your doing, and it’s also tax free!
I’ve never been big on pension schemes, the fact that they could collapse, or the fact that actually a company is just taking your money and using it to make money and then give you a fraction of that back. Plus you get taxed when you pay into the pension, then taxed again on the way out.
I’ve currently gained 20% over the last year, which I know will not continue, but based on historic average It should yield about 10% growth. Even through economic crashes the stock market has bounced back, and it’s how all the pension schemes make their billions anyway.
Here’s an example of “compound interest” for an average working man based on the figures of 10%.
Start at age 20 putting away £250 a month each and every month, a very affordable amount.
By age 50 you would have contributed £90,000 total into the tax free ISA account, the total value of the account? ……. Over £500,000.
That would mean each year at 50 year old you could take out £50,000 to live on, pay zero tax on it, and the £500,000 stays there, never reducing because of the compound interest.
Why on earth is basic finance not taught at schools?
?? Instead we get to learn x over y in algebra or what the capital of Thailand is.
To be fair though, finances can all disappear in the blink of an eye anyway, and health is wealth, but it is an interesting subject.