Been doing 8 weekly schedule since 2006.... it works, just have to be organised but aworka enables it.
Am lucky I now work 3 days per week on a 8 wk cycle, 8th week off..... in the main most work gets done on the day stated. In the event bad weather, sickness, mot's etc well these are exceptions and treated as such.
Haven't actively sought new work for approx 5 years, most work is customer recommendations and the points that customer tell me are important, in no order.... regular/reliable on the day stated, GC payments, good job done.
I appreciate that for many, being 'free' is their goal but for me being 'too free' would not be good, I like order, schedules, frameworks. Without, I would not function well.
I started in 2006 saying I would go with 8wk sched, take bank payments only and wfp everything.... plenty told me it would not work, yet here we are.... 6 years till my pension.
* ps I don't work in the UK, these Dutchies would have no issues telling me their thoughts & feelings.
Cheers Dave.