I had the first jab,panic attack nearly passed out in the tent then bottled the second one.
Already had covid and have a heart condition.
That said, sure what you experienced wasn't an anxiety attack ? Symptoms mimic a heart attack,been to hospital twice with them convinced I was dying.
Good grief that sounds awful!
I've had panic attacks for about 30 years but his was something different.
My chest seized up for about three hours and was extremely nauseous.
The GP drew a blank - it was far too long for a panic attack and not lethal enough for a heart attack.
Talked to the Cardiologist yesterday and she didn't know either but warned that further scans may not show up anything at all.
You're quite right though - could very easily all be down to stress.
The advice is that if it happens again, call an ambulance and see if they can witness it and work out what it is - if anything?
Take care out there.