Well I’ve reached a point where I just have too much work to do (actually I reached that point about a year ago) and I’m finding that I’m ending up late with nearly everything.
Now I’m not complaining, I know this is a nice problem to have, and it’s been years of work getting here. I put prices up by about 5% 2 months ago (I increase every other year) to try to trim things a bit, but no. Everyone was still happy, so now I still have too much work but slightly more money.
I intend to take on at least one employee before the end of the year, so I’m keen to tidy things up in advance of that.
Like most windows cleaners I started out offering mainly a monthly service, with 2 or 3 monthly as options. That worked fine for a long time, but as I’ve grown I now understand the limitations and annoyances of this.
For a start, there are not the same number of weeks in every month, so straight away that causes a problem as you get busier. (How do you fit your 22 days of work into only 20 days for February?).
Some months have 5 weekends some have 4. Etc etc etc.
Anyway, as well as the difficulties in scheduling, the inevitable result is that I’m late all the time these days with my monthly customers and usually my 2-monthlies as well. None of these customers are complaining, I sometimes wonder if they even notice, but having basically half of my rounds overdue at any given time is just so annoying to me.
So, I’ve decided to do what a lot on here have advocated in the past, and move to a 6-weekly or 12-weekly service only.
My ‘monthly’ (70% of my work) customers are basically getting a 6-weekly service anyway, so I’m planning on notifying them in a low-key way by just having a little box of text on my ‘windows cleaned today cards’ saying something to the effect of “we’re phasing in a 6-weekly clean service to replace our monthly service. If you have any questions please contact us” and that’s it. I’m not expecting any reaction, so not worried about that.
But my 2-monthlies will have to make a choice. Either get cleaned 2 and a half weeks early (6-weekly) or 3 and a half weeks late.(12-weekly)
I’m a bit stuck about this, has anyone tackled this before? I’m loathed to ask them let me know, because I don’t want to bother them like that, many will simply forget/not care. Plus, I’d rather nudge them into 6-weekly.
The only solution I can really think of is to say something like this:
“We’re phasing in a 6 or 12 weekly service to replace our 1,2 or 3 monthly services.
Please feel free to email us with what your preference would be (6 weekly or 12 weekly)
If we don’t hear from you by the swap over date (31st October) we will swap you to a 6-weekly service by default. You may, of course, change to 12-weekly at any time. Just let us know”
I *think* that would be ok, but not sure if that would annoy some people?
Has anyone been through a similar swap over, and if so, I’m particularly interested to know what proportion of 2-monthlies wanted 6 weekly as opposed to 12 weekly?
Thanks in advance!