Cheers Stoots. I spent a few hours this weekend and consulted my employee. We agreed that one of the main criteria was to reduce the amount of severe angles and length of pole needed to clear obstructions and expanses. Our big houses that we've clung onto for years because of price were suddenly in the firing line. Something i would have never considered a few years ago. Really giving something a lot of thought usually gets you the answer you look for.
It goes against logic, as you would naturally asume cleaning less bigger houses per day would be better than cleaning more smaller ones.
But for me it's just not the case, although the hourly rate may be the same, cleaning the smaller ones over the day leaves me feeling a lot less fatigued.
I can quite happily blast out 25 smaller houses flicking an 18ft pole about.
Compare that to stretching away over a conny with a 25ft pole with the sun beaming down on you. You know the ones where you get back to the van and are breathing heavy.
I hate the bigger houses on my round now.