Having an issue myself at the mo, customer has accused me of breaking a window and owes me £45 which isn't forthcoming. So angry about it, it's the fact he's questioning my honesty that's riling me. Nothing to do with hot water, I'm cold, window has a round hole in it with cracks going off, he reckons its either me or the chap who did his facias despite the fact this twat has a sports field at the end of his garden where people knock golf balls about etc. Stood my ground and he paid me for a while(didn't want to continue cleaning but leaving would have looked sus) but since having the glass replaced he hasn'tpaid. Going to leave me well out of pocket if I have to chase payment through legal means but not having him cast aspersions on my honesty. Lost money already this week from a lady who swears blind she paid me when she hasn't (now bacs only). When you do something wrong ie break something etc then it's the customers perogative to be compensated but when you just do your job perfectly well and then have to fight for your money or write it off it does my head in.