Most of my round is one house then move the van.
I generally dont like cleaning houses next to each other if they are friendly or relatives etc.
2 examples in the last month
I cleaned 3 houses all next to each other, all are relatives, done them for years. Anyway one of them had new windows fitted and within a few months accused me of scratching them....not just one window but quite a few, it was obvious this was done with a blade when removing the stickers and i told her not me sorry. She cancelled which is fine but then the inevitable happended and lost both of her neighbours who are family.
2nd example
3 houses in a row, all old of them rang me and passed me onto the neighbours like they do. Anyway one cancelled with some bs excuses (right after i had given them a price rise). Surprise surprise when the other 2 followed suit shortly after...
I have another situation where i clean 3 next to each other but one of them is a pita, big house with awkward veluxs etc. I darnt dump her as the other 2 are easy and close friends.
Thats the end of the story really, just annoying.