For the first couple of months I was getting about 3 per hundred but I think I've worked out the best seams now and it's down to 1 or 2.
I use little flyers (8 per A4 page) and write a price on:
I like your leaflet but have to ask how you can possibly write a price on a ticket without having looked around the back of the house first?
Does this mean when canvassing you enter the back if they are out or are you quoting blind? If your quoting blind then your prices could be cheaper than the current window cleaner which to me would be like undercutting him without playing fair?
Just a thought.
It was a problem when I started and I used to drive/walk around the area first to get an idea of what the backs of the houses were like, but I don't go around the back of individual houses. Now I've got to know the areas/streets and the types of properties I usually get it right.
I don't see it as unfair undercutting because I don't know what their current window cleaner (if they've got one) is charging and I never ask if I get the chance, although people do sometimes tell me and it's always less than I charge.