Like I said to you staying new and shiny means nothing I’ve had them fail in a matter of days I have to disconnect far more than others have to but they still fail prematurely,you can’t beat John Guest fittings they are simple and more importantly reliable.
Maybe I wasn’t clear pal, when I say they stay clean and shiny as you say I mean they don’t get all scraped and damaged on that little ring on the outside as I used to get those getting all rough and cut up and grit in behind them and that’s what kills them.
Like I say I’ve used these exceed plastic sleeves and they save the rectus fitting life massively and even though grit can still get in its no where near as bad as a bare rectus being dragged across the ground!
Was just thinking back to when I last changed my current rectus and it has to be nearly two years ago now, unbelievable really!
If you haven’t tried the exceed sleeve’s I’d recommend giving them a go.
Never had any issues with the system dead ending either and I use 3mm pencils, microbore hose and flow setting of around 65-70 its like a garden hose I barely rinse😂
Splashing and dashing all day quicker on a higher flow.
Let me know how you get on with your jg fittings pal, you can definitely get reducing jg fittings too I’ve used a few in past and gardiner sell quite a few different shapes and sizes.