Nigel says to Mrs Smith now look Mrs Smith this guys charging you a bit much if I’m honest and it’s a terrible setup between us I’m getting hardly anything out of this arrangement I could clean you’re windows for you for X if you cancel him between you and me.
What are you going to do camp outside some of these houses to make sure I’m not cleaning them when you’ve got you’re own work or business to be getting on with,now multiply this by dozens and dozens of individual customers can you imagine trying to sort all this out.
I tell you what you’d do throw your hands in the air and say I don’t know where to start,you can’t tell anyone who they use to clean their windows ever.
No, but, as you've been told literally dozens of times, you can prevent the franchisee servicing that customer.
Listen mate, if all you're goign to do is keep on making up fantasy scenarios rather than actually responding to what people post you're done.
You haven't asnwered a single question I've asked on this thread. You just spout unrelated nonsense. So, either start answering when you're asked a polite question, or bore off.
1. You haven't told me whether it's possible that both franchising and employing could both work.
2. You haven't told my franchisee why you called him stupid.