He’s done more for the USA in 4 years than Biden did in 47 years! Biden what a joke 😂 doesn’t know where he is , forgets what job he’s running for , forgets people’s names 😆. Needs a teleprompter for rehearsed questions, you couldn’t make it up . What an embarrassment 😂
200,000 dead, a million unemployed in a week and civil unrest?
I don't know what Biden has been doing for the last 47 years but I bet he's not overseen the above.
Trump is making America great again. Let's see if the American people think the same.
It’s trumps fault they died? Really? Come on , have you not seen how many fat Americans used to zoom round Disneyworld on their mobility scooters because they are too fat to walk?! It’s not trumps fault,the population is 331 Million! Of course their figures will be higher. look at how many people in the uk , was it Boris’s fault?
116k deaths in India - does this get mentioned ? Does their government get blamed for it? No .
Brazil - 154k deaths , no one to blame? Ah ok , but it’s ok to blame trump for the chinavirus
Yes, it's Trump's fault that thousands of Americans died.
The same for Boris , over here. And that Brazilian blokes, yes.
The government was never going to be able to prevent a virus from killing people.
It also has to be understood that many many of the so called Covid deaths, were actually people who died ‘with’ Covid. Not necessarily ‘of’ Covid.
Whether it was Johnson, that insane man Corbyn, or any other leader, the death toll would be similar.
It’s a number game. The higher the population, the denser the cities, the more deaths. Take New York as an example. A Democrat city, badly affected by Covid deaths, why? Cos of trump. Of course not. Because it’s a massive densely populated city. That’s why.
You also can’t stop 330 million people breaking the rules.
Each state has its own rules. Dem cities have suffered badly. As have all cities. It’s life mate. Nothing is certain, and you can’t keep expecting some miracle leader to hold your hand on every issue.
Life is hard. It includes death. Poverty. Sickenss. Disease. Etc. It’s not a right to be protected from a pandemic.