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  • Posts: 16952
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #80 on: August 12, 2020, 09:34:30 am »
I bet all the 1 hour scholars get orange poles to go out and work with too 😂,they’ll be very little carbon in there vans.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #81 on: August 12, 2020, 11:49:51 am »
On that one occasion being mentioned there must have been a hell of a lot of people shown the wrong way then from what I’ve seen,if you ask me it’s complete panic from someone desperately wanting some chancer out working earning them money even though they haven’t a clue what they are doing lol.
Being able to clean at speed traditional or WFP and do a good job is a skill that takes time to master,anyone that said otherwise I would just take that as they haven’t a clue.
This job is idiot proof so how is it possible to be shown the wrong way ? and nobody is saying that an new start should be up to speed within an hour.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #82 on: August 12, 2020, 11:59:48 am »
If the bloke doing the teaching hasn’t got a clue in the first place and there’s plenty of them.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #83 on: August 12, 2020, 12:21:31 pm »
Life must be boring for you dry being so perfect from the get go - well done 👍

Perfect, get real, I clean windows for a living which is hardly an achievement to brag about.
Noooooooo, you clean windows perfectly after less than an hour of practice.
Don't be so modest, Dry.
Totally shocked,  are you saying there are people out there who couldn't ? and are you one of them ?
I never stop learning, Dry.
If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. I bet you've never even tried hot water or Vision.
If you think I'm good Griff, the kid next door can clean his dad's car, no training and only 12 years of age, impressive or what.

Yes but does he scratch the hell out of it with poor technique? . Chances are he used one bucket and gives it a good scrub and it looks clean.... Only to reveal swirl marks after months of doing it poorly.

or does he use the two bucket method with grit guards, does he pre soak the dirt so he's not pulling dry dirt about and does he make sure he only cleans the top half of the car first before the bottom. Bet he uses a sponge instead of a microfibre and bet he uses that same sponge for the wheels. Did he remove the wax by using too harsh a shampoo or does he indeed re wax it so it's quicker and easier next time for him. Again the list goes on...

Sometimes things are not as simple as what meets the eye, same with wfp technique imo.
Buy yourself a decent car shampoo and most for the stuff you have just mentioned becomes irrelevant, its the same with window cleaning, you could faff about finding problems that don't matter or exist, or you could simply put the brush onto the glass turn on the water and wash the window.

No it doesn't  ;) (i was car valeter before window cleaning) that's like me saying, make sure your waters pure and it doesnt matter how you clean the window it will be fine  ;D

I don't have vast experience but I can say from showing half a dozen lads how to clean windows and learning myself no one picks it up and can work fast and efficiently in a few hours or days. It takes weeks to get ok and months to get good. Put a wfp pole in someones hand and it's like taking someone out on a driving lesson for the first time. It's almost comical to watch them try and extend it never mind do anything else.

I agree with most stuff you post generally but reckon your are wrong here in my humble opinion. Not that you'll ever admit it.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #84 on: August 12, 2020, 02:24:02 pm »
I tell you another thing there’s car valets that are awful too it’s all about the detail and with any job that takes time to learn,like I’ve said if it were as easy as that I’d carve my work into 3 and get a swivel chair and be sending them out on quality work 😂🤣🤣

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #85 on: August 12, 2020, 07:03:59 pm »
If the bloke doing the teaching hasn’t got a clue in the first place and there’s plenty of them.
If the bloke doing the teaching hadn't a clue then how did he get to the position where he was able to employ ? You keeping making the mistake of thinking just because you cant do something then it must be the same for everybody else.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8850
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #86 on: August 12, 2020, 07:55:34 pm »
Life must be boring for you dry being so perfect from the get go - well done 👍

Perfect, get real, I clean windows for a living which is hardly an achievement to brag about.
Noooooooo, you clean windows perfectly after less than an hour of practice.
Don't be so modest, Dry.
Totally shocked,  are you saying there are people out there who couldn't ? and are you one of them ?
I never stop learning, Dry.
If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. I bet you've never even tried hot water or Vision.
If you think I'm good Griff, the kid next door can clean his dad's car, no training and only 12 years of age, impressive or what.

Yes but does he scratch the hell out of it with poor technique? . Chances are he used one bucket and gives it a good scrub and it looks clean.... Only to reveal swirl marks after months of doing it poorly.

or does he use the two bucket method with grit guards, does he pre soak the dirt so he's not pulling dry dirt about and does he make sure he only cleans the top half of the car first before the bottom. Bet he uses a sponge instead of a microfibre and bet he uses that same sponge for the wheels. Did he remove the wax by using too harsh a shampoo or does he indeed re wax it so it's quicker and easier next time for him. Again the list goes on...

Sometimes things are not as simple as what meets the eye, same with wfp technique imo.
Buy yourself a decent car shampoo and most for the stuff you have just mentioned becomes irrelevant, its the same with window cleaning, you could faff about finding problems that don't matter or exist, or you could simply put the brush onto the glass turn on the water and wash the window.

No it doesn't  ;) (i was car valeter before window cleaning) that's like me saying, make sure your waters pure and it doesnt matter how you clean the window it will be fine  ;D

I don't have vast experience but I can say from showing half a dozen lads how to clean windows and learning myself no one picks it up and can work fast and efficiently in a few hours or days. It takes weeks to get ok and months to get good. Put a wfp pole in someones hand and it's like taking someone out on a driving lesson for the first time. It's almost comical to watch them try and extend it never mind do anything else.

I agree with most stuff you post generally but reckon your are wrong here in my humble opinion. Not that you'll ever admit it.
Gomo as I said earlier I got about 10 minutes training from the guy who sold me my equipment, he cleaned a window told me about things to be extra careful around when washing like vents, dodgy seals and then watched me repeat what he had just done, the next day I cleaned my own house and 2 others belonging to relatives, more for confidence and to prove to myself that the method actually worked than anything else, (I was one of the first wfp users in my area ) the day after I was cleaning for my first paying customer and it grew from there, I suspect most guys will have a similar story, I agree that a new employee isn't going to be as quick as a more experienced guy but there's no reason why they shouldn't be cleaning windows to an acceptable standard with nothing more than a similar amount of training as Iv mentioned above.



  • Posts: 16952
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #87 on: August 12, 2020, 08:10:41 pm »
If the bloke doing the teaching hasn’t got a clue in the first place and there’s plenty of them.
If the bloke doing the teaching hadn't a clue then how did he get to the position where he was able to employ ? You keeping making the mistake of thinking just because you cant do something then it must be the same for everybody else.

How did he get into the position of being a crap window cleaner ? M8 there’s loads out there still going


  • Posts: 16952
Re: How long until your guys picked it up?
« Reply #88 on: August 12, 2020, 08:17:14 pm »
I wouldn’t in a million years send someone out on the work I have after a short time it’s too valuable to me I don’t have many jobs I’d be prepared to just throw away.