I should of charged her more than I did theres some sort of feud going on she doesn't speak to him he doesn't speak to the other one I spent 20 min to an from the house passing school boy messages the lady who called me was over the moon I could do the job
I wish I hadn't done now and charged her a separate job there was a crushed can of larger in there and vape pods the next door rents her rooms out flag buts on food and all sorts
A lesson learn here terrible day yesterday very annoyed at myself
Today another chapter
Thanks for your replies
Usually the first sentence starts with, 'can you just quickly ...... while you are here.' This means they don't want to pay for it. These are the type of people who want everything for nothing and give nothing back to society.
Same price as next door.
Don't beat yourself up. Every now and again something comes up like this that catches us off guard. Next time it happens you will draw from this experience.
When the gutter vac comes out is when we get this. The next door neighbour who didn't want your window cleaning servcies because she has a window cleaner wants you to just run that quickly through her gutters. 'Sorry Ma'am, this is a service that I offer to my regular window cleaning customers only.'
We still get the odd, while you are here can you just put your brush over the fascias. He or she will usually spring this on you when you have just about finished cleaning the windows. 'Let me just put my brush down and walk around to see how much it will be.' I already know how much to charge but let them see me looking and mentally calculating. Rocking my head side to side and screwing my face up whilst looking at the fascias is also a good stalling technique. I then add the price of the window clean to that and give them the total.
'While I'm here I might as well start the fascias now.' Usually the response is to leave it for now.