ive just read all this crap there's a old saying if it aint broke dont try and fix it mr herman, its good you like to tinker with stuff i get it ive done it for 15 years ive tried it all, back in the days when we didn't have swivels until some bit of white crap appeared some ball joint socket thing, I've made poles to brushes and even did wireless remote trolley and backpack, I use to try it because I could, now as for regards to Alex original swivel I had a small bit of imput and even to this day the original prototype is still being used daily by my Mrs for her trolley, it's simple made life easier that's all it was intended for ok I use I modified version from original, in this came it's easy to try over complicate without realising your doing it, it's great to see people still trying to come up with ideas but to me I find it easy to keep it simple, take brushes a few years back I went over the top a bit, but some of my ideas stuck and even help produce the supreme brush idea from a modified gold sill brush I butchered but it worked, so cut a long story short I stopped my own tinkering and helped do prototypes for Alex. so keep your ideas going and be more open minded to people's comments as what one person likes another may prefer a different set up, try not to take things to personal as it's a waist of energy an tunnel vision don't work, good luck in your ideas an keep it up if your happy.