Who’s best for leaflet distribution Royal Mail? Jogpost?
For those of you that leaflet drop yourself how do you plan the routes?
i've used Royal Mail, a few leaflet distribution companies, and got my own teams together.
jog post were too expensive in my areas (i'd have to pay them to travel)
its a question of scale more than anything
royal mail and bigger companies can shift more.
smaller companies, if you can develop a good relationship with them can be good.
I've had success with both of them.
to be honest you need to do your own testing to measure the outcomes of each. what works for one doesn't mean it works for another
you're looking for your cost per sale AND you average value of sale from a leaflet. you'll need to make some assumptions to work that out of course but worthwhile doing
its not just the delivery service but your leaflet and your service and marketing that determine outcome. so some businesses will do better with Royal Mail than another
we target areas with higher amounts of domestic home owners.
RM do some nifty targeted services now