I've read all 9 pages of this and here's my penny's worth.
I'm staying home. After the lockdown was initially announced by Boris in his address to the nation I still went to work. When I came home my neighbour was in the garden and asked "Is window cleaning an essential service then?". I get on really well with her and I explained that I was permitted to work as I couldn't work from home. I worked through until the Thursday evening when Sunak announced the self-employed grant. Indeed I went to work on the Friday morning, then...
On that Friday, the 27th March: 1st customer was fine, 2nd was surprised to see me and let me know so, 3rd fine, 4th was again surprised to see me and made it clear I should be at home. I decided that long-term working during this partial lockdown might be counter-productive long term, both in terms of hacking people off and driving round in a sign-written van. Reluctantly I decided to stay home.
It didn't help because Boris was been ambiguous with what he originally said ("you can go to work if it's essential" - essential to who? did he mean key workers only?). It didn't help that on the evening of his address when the lockdown was announced the No. 10 Twitter feed published the wrong slide (see below - genuine screen shots from No 10. Twitter feed) quickly changing it after 20 mins by which time much confusion had been sown.

The grant is 80% of net profit UP TO £2500 per month. Not a flat £2500. It's also taxable, so will have to be declared, obvs. Direstors should be able to get 80% of their taxable salary (exc. dividends) if they are furloughed. For most this will be 80% of £12500, as that's when income tax kicks in and we all know why small company directors formed a company in the first place, to reduce their tax liability in an easy and legal way.
The 5% of self employed who will NOT qualify are those earning over £50k pa and those without 3 year's worth of tax records. Everyone else should get it...
Frankly no-one knows how the virus can be spread vis a vis surfaces. I've seen various accounts of how long it can survive on different surfaces. No-one knows. First masks were of no use to prevent you catching the disease, now they might be. It's all fluid.
Personally I think that working alone as a window cleaner on domestic jobs is one of the lowest risk jobs out there if sensible precautions are taken, but certainly I've been let know by some custies that I should be at home. I do worry that what was said on the telly when Sunak announced it (such as you can continue working and still get it) might be changed when it comes to June.
This is direct from the HMRC page "HMRC will contact you if you are eligible for the scheme and invite you to apply online." and "Once HMRC has received your claim
and you are eligible for the grant, we will contact you to tell you how much you will get and the payment details." My italics. Will they deem me eligible?
https://www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-a-grant-through-the-coronavirus-covid-19-self-employment-income-support-schemeAt the end of the day if I stay home I'm keeping myself, my family and my customers safe and not creating fear, annoyance or anxiety for those custies who don't want me (but might be reluctant to say so). In the long run I'm hoping my strategy will be for the best. I know everyone is different and no-one should judge anyone who IS going to work whilst permitted to do so.
Keep safe one and all.