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G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #100 on: April 03, 2020, 01:11:53 pm »
Right, the employers grant and the self employed grant have the same aim.
It's so that many of us could have a job or business at the end of this. Hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of unemployed wouldn't be good for the government. And if you can do your bit to keep the economy ticking over in the meanwhile, great.
Thousands still will lose their jobs and businesses but the grant is like a kick start for the economy coming out of the lockdown.
It's much easier to re-employ someone that is already on your books and it's much easier to run a business that is already open.
There's no free money and there's nothing to be afraid of. It's a grant that you will pay back through the lessening of tax breaks.


  • Posts: 2501
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #101 on: April 03, 2020, 01:13:27 pm »
The way I see it atm is the 5% who will lose out are the directors and people who earn over £50k. On one hand I think the government will look after us and on the other I think they won’t. They have thrown money all over the shop though so I’m inclined to think they’re going to bail us all out and have us pay it back through taxes when we’re on the other side. I do have a niggling suspicion that they will weasel out of it for us. They’re Tories, Tories don’t splash the cash normally. Yes I know it’s not normal circumstances.

I think the government really need to clarify who can travel to work. We are in a unique position where our work involves travel to work and having to work in different places. I’m trying to think of how many trades are similar to us...gardeners, mobile car valeters any more? I just googled mobile car valeting forums to see if they were working/staying home but I didn’t find anything.
We look at them, they look through them.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #102 on: April 03, 2020, 01:27:28 pm »
He didn't say you couldn't. Is it that frightening a prospect for you?
Busby asked a question; either answer it or chill.
I think it's a fair question.

Fair questions have to be honest; it was based on a false premise.  The self employed are not going to be given 80% to 'stay home and chill'.

That implies that the government want us to stop working.

They don't.
Don't be daft.
The grant is available to most self employed people and they can't tell us what to do with it. They don't tell us when to work during normal times, so they can't tell us to work during a pandemic. Especially during a lockdown with the slogan 'Stay Home'.
The key point is that they don't want us to shut our businesses and cause them more problems. That is not the same as not wanting us to stop working.
It's no wonder many think that it's a free holiday .

Well this is what they are doing with the Employed.   You only get UP to 80% if you pay your workers the other 20% of their wages.  So if I have a worker who earns a £1000 per month the government are APPARENTLY going to give me £800 for them through the PAYE system and then I make the wages up to the £1000.  If I only pay them 80% i.e. £800 then the government will only reimburse me £640.  On top of that my workers MUST NOT WORK FOR ME.  So if you all have the self employed bit right and you can have the 80% and go to work, employers are far worse off.
So you only get 80% of the 80% if you don't make it up to 100%?

"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #103 on: April 03, 2020, 01:30:51 pm »
They don't want us to close our businesses. You can be open but not working.
The grant is to help over the next three months, so that you can stay open even though you might not be able to work.

But only certain businesses qualify for a grant
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |


  • Posts: 2501
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #104 on: April 03, 2020, 01:54:18 pm »
Another point, it’s probably been debated already. As I said I’m not looking for arguments but if we do get the 80% and you make the decision to carry on working then basically when you do your tax return next year you will have only been paid for 4 out of every 5 houses you’ve cleaned over the period that we get the 80%. You could even see yourself moving up into the 40% tax bracket. Or to put it another way you will have worked one day a week for free. Yes I know some of you need money right now.

^^ that was probably as clear as mud but I know what I meant  :D
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 21091
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #105 on: April 03, 2020, 02:02:59 pm »
He didn't say you couldn't. Is it that frightening a prospect for you?
Busby asked a question; either answer it or chill.
I think it's a fair question.

Fair questions have to be honest; it was based on a false premise.  The self employed are not going to be given 80% to 'stay home and chill'.

That implies that the government want us to stop working.

They don't.
Don't be daft.
The grant is available to most self employed people and they can't tell us what to do with it. They don't tell us when to work during normal times, so they can't tell us to work during a pandemic. Especially during a lockdown with the slogan 'Stay Home'.
The key point is that they don't want us to shut our businesses and cause them more problems. That is not the same as not wanting us to stop working.
It's no wonder many think that it's a free holiday .

Well this is what they are doing with the Employed.   You only get UP to 80% if you pay your workers the other 20% of their wages.  So if I have a worker who earns a £1000 per month the government are APPARENTLY going to give me £800 for them through the PAYE system and then I make the wages up to the £1000.  If I only pay them 80% i.e. £800 then the government will only reimburse me £640.  On top of that my workers MUST NOT WORK FOR ME.  So if you all have the self employed bit right and you can have the 80% and go to work, employers are far worse off.
So you only get 80% of the 80% if you don't make it up to 100%?



If employers were having to pay 20% everyone would be sacked. Would be kinda pointless, don't you think?


  • Posts: 15083
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #106 on: April 03, 2020, 02:03:08 pm »
Another point, it’s probably been debated already. As I said I’m not looking for arguments but if we do get the 80% and you make the decision to carry on working then basically when you do your tax return next year you will have only been paid for 4 out of every 5 houses you’ve cleaned over the period that we get the 80%. You could even see yourself moving up into the 40% tax bracket. Or to put it another way you will have worked one day a week for free. Yes I know some of you need money right now.

^^ that was probably as clear as mud but I know what I meant  :D

A maximum of £2.5k a month wouldn't see anyone go in the 40% tax bracket ?
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  • Posts: 244
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #107 on: April 03, 2020, 02:03:13 pm »
still working here as advised by scottish government,however i am unable to do lots of my better work due to closures,i will not make the same money as i was making but i am ploughing on just because i can,

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8975
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #108 on: April 03, 2020, 02:11:30 pm »
The way I see it atm is the 5% who will lose out are the directors and people who earn over £50k. On one hand I think the government will look after us and on the other I think they won’t. They have thrown money all over the shop though so I’m inclined to think they’re going to bail us all out and have us pay it back through taxes when we’re on the other side. I do have a niggling suspicion that they will weasel out of it for us. They’re Tories, Tories don’t splash the cash normally. Yes I know it’s not normal circumstances.

I think the government really need to clarify who can travel to work. We are in a unique position where our work involves travel to work and having to work in different places. I’m trying to think of how many trades are similar to us...gardeners, mobile car valeters any more? I just googled mobile car valeting forums to see if they were working/staying home but I didn’t find anything.
Why do so many find the simplest of things so hard to understand,  the virus spreads from person to person by contact which is why we are using social distancing to slow it down.
Therefore if you are able to practice social distancing while working you can work, it couldn't be any clearer.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #109 on: April 03, 2020, 03:18:14 pm »
Another point, it’s probably been debated already. As I said I’m not looking for arguments but if we do get the 80% and you make the decision to carry on working then basically when you do your tax return next year you will have only been paid for 4 out of every 5 houses you’ve cleaned over the period that we get the 80%. You could even see yourself moving up into the 40% tax bracket. Or to put it another way you will have worked one day a week for free. Yes I know some of you need money right now.

^^ that was probably as clear as mud but I know what I meant  :D

A maximum of £2.5k a month wouldn't see anyone go in the 40% tax bracket ?
If you qualify for the £2.5k per month, £7.5k in total and your work is unaffected, you could quite easily go into the 40% tax bracket, or 41% if you’re in Scotland.

johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2713
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #110 on: April 03, 2020, 03:19:06 pm »
You are not Guaranteed to be contacted by HMRC it will be a long wait.       Some people still have not received there 80%  Wages as said they would .

richard connett

  • Posts: 314
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #111 on: April 03, 2020, 03:21:09 pm »
 Like Degee and Gomo if I remember right , I don’t qualify for any handouts as a limited business director.  So I will get into financial difficulty real quick . Not to mention the effect it was having on my stress levels
So as I absolutely can’t do my work at home and can maintain safe distancing at work I can work. The government is allowing it, my customers still want me and I’m showing no signs of the virus . This has all been said over and over already
Now if I was included in the help I might think again . But I would still be worried when that money would come in and how many hoops I would have to jump through. I just can’t imagine seeing a government deposit on my statement !

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #112 on: April 03, 2020, 06:06:14 pm »
The way I see it atm is the 5% who will lose out are the directors and people who earn over £50k. On one hand I think the government will look after us and on the other I think they won’t. They have thrown money all over the shop though so I’m inclined to think they’re going to bail us all out and have us pay it back through taxes when we’re on the other side. I do have a niggling suspicion that they will weasel out of it for us. They’re Tories, Tories don’t splash the cash normally. Yes I know it’s not normal circumstances.

I think the government really need to clarify who can travel to work. We are in a unique position where our work involves travel to work and having to work in different places. I’m trying to think of how many trades are similar to us...gardeners, mobile car valeters any more? I just googled mobile car valeting forums to see if they were working/staying home but I didn’t find anything.
Why do so many find the simplest of things so hard to understand,  the virus spreads from person to person by contact which is why we are using social distancing to slow it down.
Therefore if you are able to practice social distancing while working you can work, it couldn't be any clearer.
Stop getting it wrong. It can be spread via objects and surfaces.


  • Posts: 1761
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #113 on: April 03, 2020, 06:34:57 pm »
The way I see it atm is the 5% who will lose out are the directors and people who earn over £50k. On one hand I think the government will look after us and on the other I think they won’t. They have thrown money all over the shop though so I’m inclined to think they’re going to bail us all out and have us pay it back through taxes when we’re on the other side. I do have a niggling suspicion that they will weasel out of it for us. They’re Tories, Tories don’t splash the cash normally. Yes I know it’s not normal circumstances.

I think the government really need to clarify who can travel to work. We are in a unique position where our work involves travel to work and having to work in different places. I’m trying to think of how many trades are similar to us...gardeners, mobile car valeters any more? I just googled mobile car valeting forums to see if they were working/staying home but I didn’t find anything.
Why do so many find the simplest of things so hard to understand,  the virus spreads from person to person by contact which is why we are using social distancing to slow it down.
Therefore if you are able to practice social distancing while working you can work, it couldn't be any clearer.

The first paragraph of dryclean's statement here is a Corker!!🤣🤣
Comfortably Numb!

Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #114 on: April 03, 2020, 06:39:32 pm »
The first paragraph of dryclean's statement here is a Corker!!🤣🤣

But you can't explain why?
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am


  • Posts: 1761
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #115 on: April 03, 2020, 06:46:00 pm »
The first paragraph of dryclean's statement here is a Corker!!🤣🤣

But you can't explain why?

No surprise it's you asking this question Tosh.😘

Read it, think about it and see if you can see the irony!!
Comfortably Numb!

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #116 on: April 03, 2020, 06:55:36 pm »
The first paragraph of dryclean's statement here is a Corker!!🤣🤣

But you can't explain why?
'Cos he's from Cork!
Because he's finding the simplest of things hard to understand. I don't think it's the simplest thing to understand but it is simple to understand and he doesn't understand it.
Neither do you though.


  • Posts: 2501
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #117 on: April 03, 2020, 07:12:16 pm »
The way I see it atm is the 5% who will lose out are the directors and people who earn over £50k. On one hand I think the government will look after us and on the other I think they won’t. They have thrown money all over the shop though so I’m inclined to think they’re going to bail us all out and have us pay it back through taxes when we’re on the other side. I do have a niggling suspicion that they will weasel out of it for us. They’re Tories, Tories don’t splash the cash normally. Yes I know it’s not normal circumstances.

I think the government really need to clarify who can travel to work. We are in a unique position where our work involves travel to work and having to work in different places. I’m trying to think of how many trades are similar to us...gardeners, mobile car valeters any more? I just googled mobile car valeting forums to see if they were working/staying home but I didn’t find anything.
Why do so many find the simplest of things so hard to understand,  the virus spreads from person to person by contact which is why we are using social distancing to slow it down.
Therefore if you are able to practice social distancing while working you can work, it couldn't be any clearer.

Where in my post did I say it didn’t spread?
We look at them, they look through them.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #118 on: April 03, 2020, 07:19:29 pm »
It doesn't have to spread by person to person contact!
Plenty have had plenty to say about this over the past few weeks and they clearly don't know what they are talking about.


  • Posts: 15083
Re: Serious Question To Those Working
« Reply #119 on: April 03, 2020, 07:28:29 pm »
It doesn't have to spread by person to person contact!
Plenty have had plenty to say about this over the past few weeks and they clearly don't know what they are talking about.
Correct. A lot here must think some other countries are spreading disenfectant over their streets for a laugh. And of course, that could be a sideline to offer from someone who does have all the softwashing gear, get out there, disinfect................ Wonga.........
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