Nope, it would be silly going out if you're going to get close enough to the public to need a face mask.
So you can control the public too?
What if you get one of those now famed lockdown walk ups that approach you when you're working because their window is a week late?
Do you toss your pole on the floor (ooh err) and back away shouting 'get back, get back'?
Its your cleaning method that's the problem Griff.

I can't remember how to clean a window, Dryo.
Come on, I've set you some homeschooling questions; why don't you answer them?
How do you prevent the public getting within two metres of you when you're out in public?
Or are you one that only cleans windows in the woods?
You take measures Griff, for instance if there are kids playing in the back garden you don't just barge in, similar if you think the house is occupied then you make it known that you are there and that they need to keep their distance and so forth.
But what your stupidity fails to grasp is that these measures aren't to stop you or others from getting this virus, if they where the majority of the population wouldn't still be working, they are to slow it down, we are all going to get it a some point, all we can do is try not to all get it on the same day.