You may as well just poll "Can you live of your wife's graft and make out you care for the NHS by not working?"
Put a 'yes' or 'no' on it.

I can't answer that. There's no option for me.
I can 'life' off my wife's graft and I do care about the NHS though.
They've just opened a new marshmallow burns unit near us. Let's look after it.
Still home schooling the kids Griff.

Aye, but it's not sinking in with them.
Homeschooling my lad's a Glenn Hoddle in comparison.
But we're doing the Irish economy tomorrow and I could do with some help. Have you any information, Dryo? You know, some anecdotal evidence from your brudder Rory or your cousin Buster?
What was that tale again about 2, 000 redundancies from your local corner shop?

I'll look forward to my GIF with my morning coffee, so I will.
Ps, they are doing Harry Potter in schools (or they were), Seany.
I can't make head nor tail of them but they are still easier to decipher than your posts.