I am sure the situation will effect all of us to some extent but those of you who have been business for a number of years and in a densely populated area will hopefully survive and grow your business again.
With my half a day of commercial work gone for the foreseeable future I am relying on my 1 day a week of residential customers to pay the bills.
No more work this week.
I live in a rural area and it is competitive, loads of other window cleaners competing for the same work.
Today I had 17 customers scheduled (2 empty properties) and telephoned them all a couple of days in advance to let them know I was due and that I am practising social distancing, please pay by bank transfer or leave the cash outside, do not open your door. I gave them the choice if they would rather I did not work there.
2 asked me to skip them, 2 cancelled my services due to cashflow problems (1 was a messer).
The 13 customers all stayed inside.
But I can see more customers dropping off the longer this goes on, I can see many more start ups looking for easy cash, undercutting and even stealing work.
I had 3 of my customers tell me on the phone that someone had been knocking and told them that I was not coming anymore and he was their new window cleaner, thankfully they did not fall for it.
I am not even sure I will go out to work next Monday and thereafter as I felt a bit uncomfortable.
I hopefully will qualify for the grant as I did submit a tax return for 2018\19 but as I started in January 2018 I only have 3 months earnings for the 2017/18 tax year.
For those in the know, would HMRC just use the profits from 2018/19 which were 6508 x 80% = 5206 divide by 12 = 433 x 3.
Or would HMRC add 2017/18 profits of 1512 to 6508 =8020 x 80% =6416 and divide by 24 =267 x 3 801.