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  • Posts: 15083
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2020, 02:27:50 pm »
I'm not going out anyway, but i think no matter what the Gov. website says Police will send people home. It will be confusion, well not "be" it is !!

They've got a pinned post with the gov guidelines on it.  Surely they can read?

Are you tweets old ones when the policy was new out and they were confused?

No mate, you can go see them on the Merseyside FB page. Hows this for strange though, i seen a post from Nantwich Police Facebook where they had sent a lanscape gardener/ jetwasher home. Then the picture and post was gone, and then this...

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KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2020, 02:31:26 pm »
I'm not going out anyway, but i think no matter what the Gov. website says Police will send people home. It will be confusion, well not "be" it is !!
It’s just as well I’ve got the video of Nicola Sturgeons speech on my phone then, there will definitely be no confusion here 😉

Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2020, 02:31:52 pm »
Sounds like the coppers are getting themselves confused.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am


  • Posts: 15083
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  • Posts: 2601
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2020, 02:38:23 pm »
I think for the majority of sensible people it's a question of "should" I go to work and not whether they "can" or are "allowed" to  go.
There is a silent, invisible and indiscriminate killer prowling the streets of our country. It's everywhere, it's all around you now and it's sole purpose is to infect you and your loved ones- then for you and them infect others and theirs. The evidence is in your face, 24/7, humans are dropping like flies. Entire countries are grinding to a halt like no other time in history. Our own country are building gigantic temporary mortuarys,  field hospitals etc right now! We don't even have enough medical staff, beds or machines to even remotely deal with what's about to happen and IS already happening all around us. It's there for you all to see, right now. No excuses, own the responsibility as it's yours and yours alone now.
So, if you fancy your chances for the sake of One or Two weeks extra wages, then knock yourself out.👍

**hysterical post alert**

Unfortunately, because of idiots like you, lives will be lost. ::)roll
You too are causing problems and death, just further down the line. They recon austerity killed 100000. If everyone behaved like you are advocating, downing tools and taking 1000's off the government you will kill people, just it'll be in a year or two.
Last week I listened to an interview with a professor from Bristol University.

He published a study that indicated because there is a link between GDP (basically the prosperity of a nation) and life expectancy - in a nutshell if the economy is too damaged more lives will be lost through this impact than Covid 19.
Too damaged? Did he specify how much damage is too much?
How many windows do we have to not clean before the economy becomes too damaged?
That'd be very helpful and I could plan my work around it.
I think the figure he calculated was that if GDP fell by 6.4% or more that would lead to the greater loss of life.

The point being that lives will be lost through the damage to our economy.

If you work or stay at home is a personal choice. Anyone who castigates others for working whilst adhering to government guidelines is wrong though.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2020, 02:45:36 pm »
To be honest, by this time next week I think there will be a new directive and we will all be stopped from working........The debate should we, shouldn’t we, will be no more.......the forum will once again return to  being a boring place😖


  • Posts: 2601
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #66 on: March 29, 2020, 02:51:37 pm »
To be honest, by this time next week I think there will be a new directive and we will all be stopped from working........The debate should we, shouldn’t we, will be no more.......the forum will once again return to  being a boring place😖
I would be quite happy with that (relieved, apart from going stir crazy at home) but until then feel I should try and do some work.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8975
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2020, 02:55:07 pm »
Problem is carbon emissions are now at an all time low which means those who would normally be protesting on top of electric trains are now free to annoy shiners trying to do a days graft.


  • Posts: 1083
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #68 on: March 29, 2020, 03:05:24 pm »

It can't be any clearer than that, thanks.

However you know the moonhowlers will still be like "But but but". ;D
I'm not so sure its going to be that clear cut though. The Police are saying something else:

No jobs up there anyway. ;D

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2207
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #69 on: March 29, 2020, 03:07:21 pm »
If your customer is happy for you to clean crack on.  If they don't, miss them out. It's the best way to retain your customers.

If you get a complaint from a neighbour l would  just inform them you are working to the guidlines set by government.  Tell them they are the ones breaking the rules for leaving their home to attack you.  Advise them to call the police if they still have an issue and to leave you alone.
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.

Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8975
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #70 on: March 29, 2020, 03:16:44 pm »
To be honest, by this time next week I think there will be a new directive and we will all be stopped from working........The debate should we, shouldn’t we, will be no more.......the forum will once again return to  being a boring place😖

I'm not sure KS, at this moment in time you're only entitled to the 80% for employees or other if you have lost business due to the actions of the government or have been forced to close, walking away from work doesn't qualify which is why a lot so called non essential factories and businesses are still open, the cost to force these businesses to close doesn't bear thinking about.


  • Posts: 5080
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #71 on: March 29, 2020, 03:30:45 pm »
I can’t help but think that the governments big u-turn from originally saying only those with ‘essential jobs’ should be working, to now saying ‘where it’s not possible to work from home’ is just a massive caveat. They’ll use this further down the line to not pay out the 80% to the self employed that they think should now be out earning.

It’s just so un-Tory like to pay out and effectively be giving people a pay rise that are working through it.

I think there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people come June/July.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #72 on: March 29, 2020, 03:32:24 pm »

It can't be any clearer than that, thanks.

However you know the moonhowlers will still be like "But but but". ;D
I'm not so sure its going to be that clear cut though. The Police are saying something else:

No jobs up there anyway. ;D
But the police don't bother us. They know their place.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #73 on: March 29, 2020, 03:33:55 pm »
I can’t help but think that the governments big u-turn from originally saying only those with ‘essential jobs’ should be working, to now saying ‘where it’s not possible to work from home’ is just a massive caveat. They’ll use this further down the line to not pay out the 80% to the self employed that they think should now be out earning.

It’s just so un-Tory like to pay out and effectively be giving people a pay rise that are working through it.

I think there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people come June/July.
How will they know that we're not out earning?

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #74 on: March 29, 2020, 03:41:53 pm »
To be honest, by this time next week I think there will be a new directive and we will all be stopped from working........The debate should we, shouldn’t we, will be no more.......the forum will once again return to  being a boring place😖

I'm not sure KS, at this moment in time you're only entitled to the 80% for employees or other if you have lost business due to the actions of the government or have been forced to close, walking away from work doesn't qualify which is why a lot so called non essential factories and businesses are still open, the cost to force these businesses to close doesn't bear thinking about.
Good point Sean, but they delayed social distancing for the same reasons, until it was no longer viable to do so. At this minute in time you could say that we are on a soft lockdown, IMO there will come a time very soon when we are put on a far tougher lockdown, which in turn will mean as window cleaners we are no longer permitted to work. I will be delighted if I’ve got this wrong tho🤞

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3500
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #75 on: March 29, 2020, 03:47:15 pm »
To be honest, I don’t know if a harsh lockdown will

People just need to follow the things put in place. They might be more forceful about the measures already in place, policing streets more.

I hope I’m wrong but I think we will always “technically” be allowed to work, and this will mean that we don’t get this 80% grant.

Who knows though.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


  • Posts: 5080
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #76 on: March 29, 2020, 03:49:10 pm »
I can’t help but think that the governments big u-turn from originally saying only those with ‘essential jobs’ should be working, to now saying ‘where it’s not possible to work from home’ is just a massive caveat. They’ll use this further down the line to not pay out the 80% to the self employed that they think should now be out earning.

It’s just so un-Tory like to pay out and effectively be giving people a pay rise that are working through it.

I think there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people come June/July.
How will they know that we're not out earning?

I don’t think they’ll care tbh. I don’t just mean the ones are at home won’t get paid, I mean the ones who are working also. Basically everyone they think could be working.

They’ve also left themselves wiggle room by saying there’s 5% that won’t get taken care of.

I’m not anti Tory btw, I voted for them the last 3 elections, I’m just being realistic.

Giving people 80% of their averages profit, aswell as allowing them to carry on earning thus actually making more money from the pandemic than they would normally just seems incredibly generous to me.

(Unless of course, they planned this all along to enable a mega strict lock down that bans all but essential work)
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2020, 03:49:26 pm »
I can’t help but think that the governments big u-turn from originally saying only those with ‘essential jobs’ should be working, to now saying ‘where it’s not possible to work from home’ is just a massive caveat. They’ll use this further down the line to not pay out the 80% to the self employed that they think should now be out earning.

It’s just so un-Tory like to pay out and effectively be giving people a pay rise that are working through it.

I think there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people come June/July.
I think the government know full well that there won’t be many self employed people working at all when tougher measures come in. If they thought for a minute a lot of self employed people would be able to continue to work throughout the pandemic there is absolutely no way this grant would have been offered.


  • Posts: 3873
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #78 on: March 29, 2020, 04:07:43 pm »
I can’t help but think that the governments big u-turn from originally saying only those with ‘essential jobs’ should be working, to now saying ‘where it’s not possible to work from home’ is just a massive caveat. They’ll use this further down the line to not pay out the 80% to the self employed that they think should now be out earning.

It’s just so un-Tory like to pay out and effectively be giving people a pay rise that are working through it.

I think there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people come June/July.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I have never seen it said only those with "essential jobs" should be working. It's been made clear what the Government's proposal was in regarding help for the self-employed for those who qualify and what the current criteria are to qualify.


  • Posts: 24197
Re: Government clarification - Can you work? Yes you can...
« Reply #79 on: March 29, 2020, 04:12:33 pm »
I think for the majority of sensible people it's a question of "should" I go to work and not whether they "can" or are "allowed" to  go.
There is a silent, invisible and indiscriminate killer prowling the streets of our country. It's everywhere, it's all around you now and it's sole purpose is to infect you and your loved ones- then for you and them infect others and theirs. The evidence is in your face, 24/7, humans are dropping like flies. Entire Nations are grinding to a halt like no other time in history. Our own country are building gigantic temporary mortuarys,  field hospitals etc right now! We don't even have enough medical staff, beds or machines to even remotely deal with what's about to happen and IS already happening all around us. It's there for you all to see, right now. No excuses, own the responsibility as it's yours and yours alone now.
So, if you fancy your chances for the sake of One or Two weeks extra wages, then knock yourself out.👍

You'll be off for longer than 3 or 4 weeks mate!even if 20,000 people die its way lower than 0.5% of the population.....sad but not a total disaster.......stop making out that most of us will die mate...its not helpful to anyone.....
price higher/work harder!