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  • Posts: 865
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 12:14:58 pm »
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.
Did you go to the same school as Nathan by any chance?


  • Posts: 100
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2020, 12:16:27 pm »
My mind changes everyday.. Information I find is so confusing. You can work.. Its keyworkers only. I don't really want to work but waiting till June for money is ridiculous.. I can't survive till then with no income.. Don't no whever to work tomorrow or stay at home

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2207
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 12:27:30 pm »
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.

That's the spirit

I am doing something similar but only daily for the next days work.  I text them explaining my distancing rules.  I also give them the option to skip the clean due to the virus should they want too. 

I would say about 70% of residentials are pleased.  And the other 30% skip but respect the fact I gave them the choice.  Some even offered to still pay.  I would say most commercial jobs suspended.
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.

Dave Willis

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 12:28:41 pm »
I honestly don’t understand the need to try and read customers minds. If you don’t turn up it’s pretty obvious why. They only have to switch the tv on.
I could do with losing 100 customers anyway but I doubt the reason will be because I didn’t turn up during a world wide disaster.


  • Posts: 6294
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 12:30:47 pm »
I've found similar.

If I say I'm coming a lot have said fine and if I say I'm not a lot have also said fine.

Bottom line is most won't care either way, it's not as important to them as it is to us.

Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 12:37:25 pm »
My mind changes everyday.. Information I find is so confusing. You can work.. Its keyworkers only.

It's not.  The distinction between CRITICAL WORKERS and those who can't work from home is that critical workers have access to childcare.

It is NOT critical workers are the only ones allowed to travel to work.

There is much misunderstanding here.

See my other post about government clarification.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2207
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2020, 12:41:05 pm »
Yep. I just l like having piece of mind giving customers the choice as everyone has different opinions.   I would now prefer to do as little work as possible during this epidemic, but helps me protect my business and customer loyalty.  It's probably all in my head and should not worry, but I do.   But I am following government guidelines lines and advice to stay safe.
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.


  • Posts: 2552
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2020, 12:49:19 pm »
I’m working at normally as I can, untill I’m told not officially...

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2020, 01:23:57 pm »
My experience is this:  I have 40 shop fronts and 300 odd regular residentials. Of the latter, some I just turn up and clean, others I text beforehand.

The 40 shops reduced to just 5 in the last 2 weeks.  Of the residentials, I explained on my facebook page on 17th March that I would only be calling by invitation or prior arrangement. This worked very well for me as I had a steady stream of calls and I was able to do ok. I kept the distancing and constant hand sanitizing protocol etc.

When the  Taoiseach (Irish PM) announced the lockdown except for essential services on Friday evening, that did it for me. We are not an essential service, no matter what we may think of ourselves, and there are peoples' lives at stake. And this virus is spreading because too many people are ignoring the warnings and advice to self-isolate.

My wife is asthmatic and has had a bad cough for weeks, and we live with her ageing and heavily medicated mother, so the risks are not worth taking unless I want to contribute to killing them.
Financially we will take a hit, but what good is money when you haven't got your loved ones and good health?

No, I'm now off until we get the go-ahead to resume.


Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Dave Willis

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2020, 02:15:00 pm »
Imagine Dazmonds doorstep banter this week,
Custy: crikey Dazmond, didn’t expect to see you out working,
Daz: it’s fine, government said I can and besides I wear rubber gloves.
Custy: no holiday this year then Daz?
Daz, too right I’ve got a fivestar holiday booked in Zante I’m going to row there if I have too.
Custy: dreadful isn’t it this virus thing?
Daz: na, it’s just mild flu
Custy: how’s the family?
Daz, Mum’s got it, Dads got it, Brothers probably got it, his family have probably got it, chap in the newsagents has just died from it. Apart from that fine.
Here’s your mug back Mrs, see you in four weeks, take care.


  • Posts: 13455
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2020, 03:07:13 pm »
Yep. I just l like having piece of mind giving customers the choice as everyone has different opinions.   I would now prefer to do as little work as possible during this epidemic, but helps me protect my business and customer loyalty.  It's probably all in my head and should not worry, but I do.   But I am following government guidelines lines and advice to stay safe.

That’s the real crux of the matter - it’s not about being socially safe, or containing the virus - it’s about your insecurity  that someone out there is about to steal your work.....

I very much doubt in this troubled times there’s a gang of dolites trying to pounce on your customers

Johnny B - well done, we have friends in Southern Ireland so I know the lockdown is harder than here - it’s something we should take into consideration here and beat the government announcement

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2020, 03:11:25 pm »
My mind changes everyday.. Information I find is so confusing. You can work.. Its keyworkers only.

It's not.  The distinction between CRITICAL WORKERS and those who can't work from home is that critical workers have access to childcare.

It is NOT critical workers are the only ones allowed to travel to work.
FAKE NEWS and incoherence!

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2020, 03:13:44 pm »
Imagine Dazmonds doorstep banter this week,
Custy: crikey Dazmond, didn’t expect to see you out working,
Daz: it’s fine, government said I can and besides I wear rubber gloves.
Custy: no holiday this year then Daz?
Daz, too right I’ve got a fivestar holiday booked in Zante I’m going to row there if I have too.
Custy: dreadful isn’t it this virus thing?
Daz: na, it’s just mild flu
Custy: how’s the family?
Daz, Mum’s got it, Dads got it, Brothers probably got it, his family have probably got it, chap in the newsagents has just died from it. Apart from that fine.
Here’s your mug back Mrs, see you in four weeks, take care.
And I've just put your price up by a fiver.

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2020, 04:08:10 pm »
Imagine Dazmonds doorstep banter this week,
Custy: crikey Dazmond, didn’t expect to see you out working,
Daz: it’s fine, government said I can and besides I wear rubber gloves.
Custy: no holiday this year then Daz?
Daz, too right I’ve got a fivestar holiday booked in Zante I’m going to row there if I have too.
Custy: dreadful isn’t it this virus thing?
Daz: na, it’s just mild flu
Custy: how’s the family?
Daz, Mum’s got it, Dads got it, Brothers probably got it, his family have probably got it, chap in the newsagents has just died from it. Apart from that fine.
Here’s your mug back Mrs, see you in four weeks, take care.
And I've just put your price up by a fiver.
Must dash, girlfriends gagging for it.

Status Check

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2020, 04:46:27 pm »
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.

I think you are trying to convince yourself that not working is the correct thing to do. As stated previously we are working as normal because we are following the government guidelines. So far we have picked up 14 new customers from other local window cleaning companies because they emailed their customer base informing customers that they are not working. This will continue. Don't think your customers will be loyal to you. Summer is coming and people want clean windows and conny's. What will you do when the lockdown is extended to July?

Status Check

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2020, 04:51:19 pm »
Just to add that your are more at risk going shopping in the supermarket than going to clean windows as a lone worker.


  • Posts: 3873
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2020, 04:52:00 pm »
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.

I think you are trying to convince yourself that not working is the correct thing to do. As stated previously we are working as normal because we are following the government guidelines. So far we have picked up 14 new customers from other local window cleaning companies because they emailed their customer base informing customers that they are not working. This will continue. Don't think your customers will be loyal to you. Summer is coming and people want clean windows and conny's. What will you do when the lockdown is extended to July?
Wow, give yourself a pat on the back  ::)roll


  • Posts: 2190
Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2020, 04:52:37 pm »
I'm apparently high risk and need to isolate for 12 weeks
As is my son.
As is my wife.

I could always send the daughter but she's only 12.

I think I'm going to have to wait this out.

Status Check

Re: My experience of asking customers whether to continue working
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2020, 04:54:04 pm »
For what it's worth.

I was unsure  whether to carry on next week or not. So I decided to text and email my customers and ask them whether they would prefer to postpone my services or not.

I explained about social distancing, no contact, working alone, disposable gloves, little risk  etc etc.
I explained that the government have not said not to work, instead have said to carry on work.
That there is no instruction that only  'essential' workers are allowed to work.

Most, but not all,responded and apart from a tiny minority, almost all replies were along the vein, that 'yes, you can continue.'.

However, I have still decided that I would rather heed the message to stay home, as I personally feel it's the right thing to do for me.

So I contacted my customers with my decision in a follow up message.


Far more honest and appreciative. Rather than short 'yes we are happy to continue' it has been more detailed of their thought processes in whether they actually agree or not.

 Most have said they feel that to not carry on is the right decision but they just didn't want to say that before as they wanted to support me as they know its my livelihood.

So it got me thinking, that if I had carried on, some of my customers would deep down not have been that comfortable with it but just wouldn't say.

Since telling them of my decision to pause , several customers who did not reply to my first text asking for their views have now replied, saying that  they didn't want to say no before,  but feel that I've now done the correct thing, and they've acknowledged its not a straightforward decision.

Now, whether I'm right or wrong in my decision,  I do feel happier.

Whether I regret it in the next few weeks and months as I don't have an income coming in and I hear about all the window cleaners on this site continuing to work and earning,  only time will tell.

I think you are trying to convince yourself that not working is the correct thing to do. As stated previously we are working as normal because we are following the government guidelines. So far we have picked up 14 new customers from other local window cleaning companies because they emailed their customer base informing customers that they are not working. This will continue. Don't think your customers will be loyal to you. Summer is coming and people want clean windows and conny's. What will you do when the lockdown is extended to July?
Wow, give yourself a pat on the back  ::)roll

No need for that is there?