Oh, right. You keep it for six months then give it back. I get it now.
Get a grip Dave.

Let's say you get lolly of £2,000 a month for three months. So £6,000. Let's say you lose £12,000 of work during that time. So you are 6K down.
By 31.03 2021 let's say instead of £36K declared as taxable earnings you only made £24,000.
£24,000 + £6,000 = £30,000
So you pay tax on £30,000 for the year*. (Which will be less as you didn't make so much lolly)
How anyone can expect to come through this compensated for every £1 they would have made escapes me. We're being given enough to keep a roof over our heads, have enough food plus utilities etc.
During WW2 there was rationing on some goods for 7 years after the end of the war. This could be our WW2 moment. I don't think it will be so severe personally but this will be more notable than a "what were you doing during the Kennedy assassination, Cuban missile crisis, Twin towers kind of event event".
*Edited in light of posts further down.