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  • Posts: 2501
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2020, 06:45:39 pm »
Still getting texts back. Up to 170/180 now. Had loads to phone as I hadn’t got a mobile number. I finished contacting all my clients an hour ago. Some were asking if I was coming tomorrow 🤪. No Mrs Smith I’m calling to advise you I’ve suspended business until further notice. Some said that I could still clean but I said I would feel very uncomfortable doing so in the present circumstances. All 100% behind my decision. At least I know I have a business to go back to when this is over. Lots haven’t texted back. Even if all of them did sack me off I know at least I will rise again from the ashes 👍
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 1153
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2020, 07:32:38 pm »
Personally, I’ve decided to stop work. 
I think I gave some of the fellas a hard time on one of my posts on the day the Government made the first announcement. Apologies. You’re decision.
 I have old family members who live next door (down the road) and we get things for them. Medicine, food ....
 I sent a WhatsApp broadcast to all my customers Tuesday,to say I’m suspending my work for 3wks.
It was interesting to note that all replies were very supportive and in full harmony with my decision. A few of my older customers actually said that it was nice to be able to thank me for once for showing such care .
 Which made me think, that although we can still go to clean by law, some of our customers, although they may not say it to our face,  are quite relieved that we don’t go round to their house.
 For me though, I believe  if everyone shut down , it would slow down transmission. Virus spreads through contact, wether personal or left ( at least for a short duration) on surfaces, gates , doors , money , etc.
 Keep safe out there, whatever you decide to do..


  • Posts: 2501
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2020, 07:38:01 pm »
^^^ post of the day 👏
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 97
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2020, 07:42:22 pm »
Do the right thing and please dont visit supermarkets.  People don't observe the social distance and the packaging on everything is totally suspect u can't be sure who touched it before u or what is on  it. I think youd save more lives by not travelling to or being in supermarkets  :o

Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2020, 08:05:19 pm »
Do the right thing and please dont visit supermarkets.  People don't observe the social distance and the packaging on everything is totally suspect u can't be sure who touched it before u or what is on  it. I think youd save more lives by not travelling to or being in supermarkets  :o

Tend to agree and hadn’t even thought of the touching of packets and putting them back.   :-\

My local M & S was doing a 1 in 1 out today which was great, but the minute you’re  at the till you’re never 2 yards away from the cashier despite trying.


  • Posts: 97
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #45 on: March 27, 2020, 08:14:25 pm »
I think theres more transference at these sites than anywhere else. I know we have to visit unless your lucky enough to get home delivery but it makes you think!

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3500
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #46 on: March 27, 2020, 08:51:10 pm »
^^^ post of the day 👏

Everyone loves a good virtual pat on the back. Well done that man. Give you both a gold star.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4892
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #47 on: March 27, 2020, 08:59:01 pm »
Do the right thing and please dont visit supermarkets.  People don't observe the social distance and the packaging on everything is totally suspect u can't be sure who touched it before u or what is on  it. I think youd save more lives by not travelling to or being in supermarkets  :o

Tend to agree and hadn’t even thought of the touching of packets and putting them back.   :-\

My local M & S was doing a 1 in 1 out today which was great, but the minute you’re  at the till you’re never 2 yards away from the cashier despite trying.

Mrs works in the cash office at Waitrose but as you can imagine, she’s been deployed elsewhere in store at the moment.

Anyway, she reckons even with the ‘one in, one out’ system, the place has bound to have had a few people that have been infected just on percentages alone.
Then imagine everything that person has touched and put back, coughed on or around and then factor in the staff that are around doing the same...

Forget the virus, makes me want to grow my own veg when times are ok!


Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #48 on: March 27, 2020, 09:03:28 pm »
Do the right thing and please dont visit supermarkets.  People don't observe the social distance and the packaging on everything is totally suspect u can't be sure who touched it before u or what is on  it. I think youd save more lives by not travelling to or being in supermarkets  :o

Tend to agree and hadn’t even thought of the touching of packets and putting them back.   :-\

My local M & S was doing a 1 in 1 out today which was great, but the minute you’re  at the till you’re never 2 yards away from the cashier despite trying.

Mrs works in the cash office at Waitrose but as you can imagine, she’s been deployed elsewhere in store at the moment.

Anyway, she reckons even with the ‘one in, one out’ system, the place has bound to have had a few people that have been infected just on percentages alone.
Then imagine everything that person has touched and put back, coughed on or around and then factor in the staff that are around doing the same...

Forget the virus, makes me want to grow my own veg when times are ok!


Scary stuff. The last day or so I’ve started getting a bit fatalistic, if your names on The virus you will get it.

All the precautions, washing etc under the sun is moot the minute you (for example) open a door.

Still a good idea to at least try tho  :-\

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4892
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #49 on: March 27, 2020, 09:10:49 pm »

Scary stuff. The last day or so I’ve started getting a bit fatalistic, if your names on The virus you will get it.

I’d imagine a lot of us have mate, it’s why there are so many emotive opinions around (not just on this forum).

In the end, all you can do is what you think is right and take the precautions you feel you need to take (on top of the Government advice obviously)

You’ll never leave your house again if you go down that road too deep.

Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2020, 09:17:27 pm »

Scary stuff. The last day or so I’ve started getting a bit fatalistic, if your names on The virus you will get it.

I’d imagine a lot of us have mate, it’s why there are so many emotive opinions around (not just on this forum).

In the end, all you can do is what you think is right and take the precautions you feel you need to take (on top of the Government advice obviously)

You’ll never leave your house again if you go down that road too deep.

True enough.


  • Posts: 2501
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2020, 10:25:43 pm »
^^^ post of the day 👏

Everyone loves a good virtual pat on the back. Well done that man. Give you both a gold star.

Cheers for that 👍

Can you clear up something for me please? What is a windy wesher?
We look at them, they look through them.

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3500
Re: I Sent a Mass Text Out Last Night
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2020, 10:31:33 pm »
^^^ post of the day 👏

Everyone loves a good virtual pat on the back. Well done that man. Give you both a gold star.

Cheers for that 👍

Can you clear up something for me please? What is a windy wesher?

When I moved up to work in scotland it was the way someone said “window washer” to me, and it just stuck. Actually forgot it was down in that box bit.  ;D
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher