“Do the right thing”. ?

Yawn all you like. Your selfish desperation will do far more harm in the long run. Remember your dash for pennies when you’re locked in for 6 months.
Out of curiosity I just had a quick scan through your posts over the years.
Thank goodness I did. It really put things into perspective. Your just a troll keyboard warrior that likes arguments and likes trying to wind people up.
First post i randomly looked at you were calling tosh all the names under the sun (behind your anonymity), another one you have a go at JW’s, and so on.
Thank goodness no one should take any notice of your misinformed views.
It’s actually hilarious guys,
Click on his name,
View profile,
View posts,
And randomly click any page over the years and have a quick scan. Every post is an argument.
Don’t take any notice of him.