“Do the right thing”. ?

Does Bungle doing the right thing, for him, bother you, Jonny?
There's a bit of doubt in your head, isn't there?
Your 100% right. I’m doubtful.
I’m doubting that surely there can’t be that many self righteous people out there as there seems to be. People that are condescending and are effecting peoples mental health by putting pressure on them to stop supporting their family.
I’m undecided, but so far it seems like actually there are that many unkind and self righteous people out there that want to force their opinions onto others.
I feel for the ones struggling at the moment and being convinced by social pressure rather than government guidelines.
I didn't think the 'pressure' was that bad and if it is affecting your mental health, I apologise if I was one of those responsible. Sincerely.
But it's not just down to us. We haven't stirred the nation up, have we? Boris and his government have to take a lot of that responsibility after Monday's speech. It was very dramatic and he hung us out to dry. You can't deliver a speech like that and then let others whisper 'you can still work, you know'.
I still think many of us are still in limbo and I understand if it is absolutely necessary for some to work.
But keep in mind why there is this dilemma and stay safe, for everyone's sake.
I appreciate your apology griff, and honestly it’s not necessary, there’s no hard feelings. My mental health is fine, but I know others who are really struggling at the moment and I really worry about them. (Including some on this forum may I add)
They have been told by other window cleaners and “no it alls” that if they go out to work then they are spreading a killer virus and are terrible people. This is just not true.
It’s putting people in the dilemma of going out to work to support their family, or to down tools and start missing bills, and not being able to care for their family. What effect is that going to have on someone?
I do feel that everyone should take responsibility for their actions, including those who feel it’s appropriate to tell others how to follow the governmental guidelines, and ones who are purposefully trying to pressure others into not working.
It’s not on guys.
We’ve each got a personal decision to make, and we should each respect and support that decision.
We have two options;
1) don’t work, live off savings, hopefully receive a payout in June.
2) if you can’t afford to down tools for 3 months Atleast, then work safely, adhere to the guidelines and stay safe.