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James Styles

  • Posts: 377
Made decision
« on: March 27, 2020, 01:05:54 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Made decision
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2020, 01:17:56 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.
Respect, Jimbo.
I think you'll come out of this with a lot of credibility. I hope you get to where you want to be.
No round is embarrassing and yours is in good hands.
I'd give you a big kiss if it wasn't for social distancing.

Re: Made decision
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2020, 01:49:22 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

Wish you well. If liars and bull poopers (NWH etc) come on here boasting (lying) just ignore them.


  • Posts: 14511
Re: Made decision
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2020, 02:02:36 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

James your round is NOT embarrasing. Every single one of us have gone through messers and tip toe around customers to keep them when we need the cash, ......... "can't do tomorrow sorry, out shopping can you come Monday?"...... and yeah, sure i can no prob see you Monday...just happens!!! But if you stick at it you do eventually get the numbers where you cannot physically get to them, so you say... "sorry see you next month". You'll get there and it is tough, but if it was easy then everyone would be doing it. Starting off is tough enough, but given the friggen thing we've all had thrown on us its miles worse. I've been going over ten years and a career change (again) is still not out of my options. Don't worry about other peoples rounds and/or compared to yours you do whats good for you. But if you wanna keep your existing work (albeit on hold) i'd suggest text/email/post letter whatever saying along the lines of .. per government guidance i am off work for my safety / your safety etc......... I'll keep  in touch as this progresses etc..... summat like that... Then you will have something to go back to. I'm in the process of trying to word mine up, right now as we speak. If you feel like you need to speak to someone, let me know i'll be happy to speak to you and i'll give you my number.
*Status*--------Currently Online---------


  • Posts: 4994
Re: Made decision
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2020, 05:52:10 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

Hi James,

There was a Tory MP on question time last night and he was asked directly about people that are in your situation. He did say that those that have recently started trading would possibly have their cases looked at.

I know it’s a long shot but if I was you I would do your self assessment straight away after April 6th and if you like I could help compose a letter detailing your situation?

Like I say it’s a long shot but it may be worth giving it a go.

I’m also in a similar situation, my 2019 tax return didn’t qualify me because it wasn’t made up of more than 50% self employed income so I feel your pain.

Let me know if you’d like me help in any way.

And like has been said above, ignore the idiots that would have you believe they are raking it in on here, they’re just full of hot air.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 2506
Re: Made decision
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2020, 07:18:14 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.
Nothing embarrassing about getting off your backside and trying to build a business. All those with these fabulous rounds had to start somewhere too. I was working out of the back of a rover 45 with a shurflo backpack and drums. Only difference between you and me is time.


  • Posts: 2079
Re: Made decision
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2020, 07:53:15 am »
James did you watch the martin Lewis show last night if not you should watch it as he said legally you can go back to your old employer ask them to put you back on their books just so you get paid 80%of your old wage hope this helps 🙂👍


  • Posts: 1965
Re: Made decision
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2020, 08:02:17 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.
Nothing embarrassing about getting off your backside and trying to build a business. All those with these fabulous rounds had to start somewhere too. I was working out of the back of a rover 45 with a shurflo backpack and drums. Only difference between you and me is time.
And he now has a Vauxhall Vectra estate and two Gardiner backpacks!


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Made decision
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2020, 08:02:53 am »
Everyone's been through the starting out phase.

Just came at a bad time for you.

Just know that you are not the only one who will be struggling at this time, there will be many thousands if not millions in financial hardship over this for lots of different reasons.

The government has helped a certain demographic but not everyone will be helped.

Jay Le Huray

  • Posts: 630
Re: Made decision
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2020, 08:50:15 am »
Hi James, firstly yes you have made the right decision
secondly, there is no such thing as a embarrassing business, you have built what you have from scratch and it's unfortunate that you cannot increase it in the troubles times we are currently seeing

When it's all over get back out there and carry on doing what you have been doing

my thoughts are with you buddy


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Made decision
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2020, 09:00:33 am »
I wish u all the best james.....we all had to start somewhere.....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Made decision
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2020, 09:31:43 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

Wish you well. If liars and bull poopers (NWH etc) come on here boasting (lying) just ignore them.
Bull poopers and liars 😂 give me and this guy a break will you he said he works 1 hour a week for his money didn’t he.

Oliver James

  • Posts: 210
Re: Made decision
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2020, 09:37:34 am »


  • Posts: 313
Re: Made decision
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2020, 09:40:42 am »
I’ve been weighing up what’s best to do & have decided that I won’t be working for the next month.
I want to also say I respect whatever decision other window cleaners make in if they go to work or not.
My decision makes sense to me for a few reasons. I have a small round and there’s still a lot of messers in there that need replacing (couldn’t care less if I lose them), the good customers I have (only about 20-30% of the round) I would hope will be understanding and stick with me.
Another big reason is my round is so unreliable/small that I think with potentially so many cancelling cleans in this current situation (messers, houses that I need to go through, old customers who pay cash, others potentially struggling or not wanting you around) I would not earn much more than the £95 a week I’d get from universal credit when I add up petrol, water etc.
There’s also the fact that I don’t want to risk getting this virus or potentially spread it unknowingly (unlikely but could happen).
Yes my round is embarrassing compared to other window cleaners rounds on here but I was planning on canvassing like mad through spring and summer to greatly improve it but this virus happened.
Anyways I think it makes sense for me to leave it for a month rather then attempt to work in this current situation.
How have others who have decided to stop worded there message to let the customers know, if any don’t mind sharing the message & how did the customers respond to it.

Hi James

Whatever you decide, you'll be fine.

Just a thought, might be a little controversial but.. why not drop some leaflets?

Does this help...

"We hope you are safe and well

In respect of the current situation I have decided to temporarily close

I believe this is the correct thing to do in the spirit of "STAY AT HOME"

I will resume as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Looking forward to brighter times, keep well


  • Posts: 970
Re: Made decision
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2020, 10:36:22 am »
Total respect to you James. You are doing the right thing, I was going to go back Wednesday but after talking to a gardener friend and another friend in the trade,they both said they were stopping work for moral reasons. The window cleaner is old school die hard, works no matter what, wind,rain,snow the lot, so I thought well if he has stopped, I will too.
People will think more of you for doing the right thing and staying at home, than ploughing on  regardless, like the others have said, don’t belittle your business, we have all been there and you start off with crap jobs and prices because you are desperate for the work.  As you progress you will get better jobs, better customers and better prices, in every trade there are braggers, it’s very easy to do that from a computer keyboard. Best of luck. As for letting customers know, I texted the ones I have numbers for, sent emails and posted a message on my Facebook business page.
Cheers Rich


  • Posts: 186
Re: Made decision
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2020, 10:45:54 am »
I have read quite a few of your posts James and have to admit you do sometimes come across as a little insecure and nervous but I am sure you have come to the right conclusion and i applaud you for having the courage to do what you believe is the right thing.

Nearly everybody on here has been in a similer position to you regarding messers and timewasters,use your time wisley and analise whereyou have gone wrong in the customer recruitment department,try to move your demographic away from the casual messer type to the keeper/reliable type.

 If I can give you one piece of sound advice in these troubling times it is keep you good customers informed about why you are not calling, you can send text messages saying due to the risk of spreading the virus you consider it your social duty to suspend trading in order for the NHS to get on top of the situation adding you are looking forward to restarting ASAP (tell them they will be the first that you call on to make them feel a bit special).

Take care and keep safe Phil.
The Stupid Neither Forgive Nor Forget
The Naive Forgive And Forget
The Wise Forgive But Don't Forget

Dave Willis

Re: Made decision
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2020, 10:46:16 am »
I made a decision this morning, to carry on working.

Then I drove to my base where my van is kept and realised how many people were off the road staying home and doing their utmost to beat this disease, the nurses and doctors fighting this. It feels so bad and morally wrong to me that I turned around and went back home.
I don’t care if people carry on, it’s your choice, just don’t come back on here in the afternoon bragging please everyone. It’s bad taste and unnecessary.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Made decision
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2020, 11:22:53 am »
I made a decision this morning, to carry on working.

Then I drove to my base where my van is kept and realised how many people were off the road staying home and doing their utmost to beat this disease, the nurses and doctors fighting this. It feels so bad and morally wrong to me that I turned around and went back home.
I don’t care if people carry on, it’s your choice, just don’t come back on here in the afternoon bragging please everyone. It’s bad taste and unnecessary .
Like their work .

James Styles

  • Posts: 377
Re: Made decision
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2020, 02:16:41 pm »
I have read quite a few of your posts James and have to admit you do sometimes come across as a little insecure and nervous but I am sure you have come to the right conclusion and i applaud you for having the courage to do what you believe is the right thing.

Nearly everybody on here has been in a similer position to you regarding messers and timewasters,use your time wisley and analise whereyou have gone wrong in the customer recruitment department,try to move your demographic away from the casual messer type to the keeper/reliable type.

 If I can give you one piece of sound advice in these troubling times it is keep you good customers informed about why you are not calling, you can send text messages saying due to the risk of spreading the virus you consider it your social duty to suspend trading in order for the NHS to get on top of the situation adding you are looking forward to restarting ASAP (tell them they will be the first that you call on to make them feel a bit special).

Take care and keep safe Phil.
Somehow I missed this post, you give a lot of good advice there, I do have a lot to work on with myself and my round, I appreciate the honesty and advice phil 👍