Total respect to you James. You are doing the right thing, I was going to go back Wednesday but after talking to a gardener friend and another friend in the trade,they both said they were stopping work for moral reasons. The window cleaner is old school die hard, works no matter what, wind,rain,snow the lot, so I thought well if he has stopped, I will too.
People will think more of you for doing the right thing and staying at home, than ploughing on regardless, like the others have said, don’t belittle your business, we have all been there and you start off with crap jobs and prices because you are desperate for the work. As you progress you will get better jobs, better customers and better prices, in every trade there are braggers, it’s very easy to do that from a computer keyboard. Best of luck. As for letting customers know, I texted the ones I have numbers for, sent emails and posted a message on my Facebook business page.