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  • Posts: 2501
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Tell them you’re self isolating
Are you not doing any of your jobs now then until June and waiting for the one off payment ?

Do you think we won’t be in full lock down before June? I think it’s a matter of days away, so pointless going out to work. Joe Public would be slating us for working and claiming the 80%.

I’m sending a bulk text out tonight.
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 5080
Quoted from the BBC.

At least half their income needs to have come from self-employment as registered on the 2019-20 tax return filed in January, or averaged over the three previous years. Company owners who pay themselves a dividend are not covered.

Even though 100% of my income is now from self employment only 30% was on my last tax return.

I’ll get nothing. Great.

"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 2501
Quoted from the BBC.

At least half their income needs to have come from self-employment as registered on the 2019-20 tax return filed in January, or averaged over the three previous years. Company owners who pay themselves a dividend are not covered.

Even though 100% of my income is now from self employment only 30% was on my last tax return.

I’ll get nothing. Great.

@deeege, I got the impression that you were a seasoned shiner. How did you get all your commercial work in such a short time?
We look at them, they look through them.

Tyler Williams

  • Posts: 24
I've made sure to watch the clip numerous times to fully understand it.

It's essentially a taxable grant meant to cover any profit shortfall you experience over this time. That's why he says you can claim AND work it's not meant to cover your complete wage.

If you decide to stop working of your own choice then it will probably help tide you over.

And those who choose to work and claim will have a higher tax bill next year.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
So taxi drivers and hairdressers etc who are not working at the moment get the same one off payment in June as us but we can carry on working earning as well?
You won’t get the same payout because you are earning, eg if you are earning 1000 a month this will be deducted from the 2500, so you will be left with 80% of 1500 as a payout....assuming you have earned enough over the last 3 years. I think that will be the jist of it anyway.
If we are able to keep working not many on here will be able to claim anyway as they either clean big houses and earn over 100 quid an hour or they earn 400 quid a day  for part time hours.


  • Posts: 2601
In reply to Daz's post on the locked thread. I have never seen or heard anny official news to say we can work. I have stopped because of moral reasons. Even through non contact I don't want to be accused of causing someone to get the virus and die, through moving house to house. Its a claim society nowadays how many calls do we get per week for non existent accident claims no win no fee. Next its going to be have you or family member had corona. Did you have any tradesmen visit during lockdown? You could be entitled to compensation"
My understanding  has been that people can work if they can do it safely, which essentially means practicing social distancing. They allow construction sites to stay open, so on what basis would a window cleaner not be allowed to work?

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
NWH will be fooked as he obviously earns over 50k. What with him and employee raking in over 100 quid an hour each..mmmm


  • Posts: 3873
I've made sure to watch the clip numerous times to fully understand it.

It's essentially a taxable grant meant to cover any profit shortfall you experience over this time. That's why he says you can claim AND work it's not meant to cover your complete wage.

If you decide to stop working of your own choice then it will probably help tide you over.

And those who choose to work and claim will have a higher tax bill next year.
Yeah, thats i'm seeing it now.


  • Posts: 2552
So essentially if you continue to work, you’ll be adding the grant payments to your turnover...?

I missed a lot of Rishis statement as I was cooking the wife dinner at the same time.

Also, not a bean till June. So In other words, it’ll all be over by then and we’ll all get NOUT 😬


  • Posts: 3873
So essentially if you continue to work, you’ll be adding the grant payments to your turnover...?

I missed a lot of Rishis statement as I was cooking the wife dinner at the same time.

Also, not a bean till June. So In other words, it’ll all be over by then and we’ll all get NOUT 😬
its back dated.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
So taxi drivers and hairdressers etc who are not working at the moment get the same one off payment in June as us but we can carry on working earning as well?
You won’t get the same payout because you are earning, eg if you are earning 1000 a month this will be deducted from the 2500, so you will be left with 80% of 1500 as a payout....assuming you have earned enough over the last 3 years. I think that will be the jist of it anyway.
If we are able to keep working not many on here will be able to claim anyway as they either clean big houses and earn over 100 quid an hour or they earn 400 quid a day  for part time hours.
I thought I heard that and it now makes sense.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
I missed a lot of Rishis statement as I was cooking the wife dinner at the same time.

Also, not a bean till June.
You'd best give her a big plateful tonight then.


  • Posts: 24197
also dont contact them...THEYLL CONTACT YOU IF YOUR ELIGIBLE! ::)roll

better get off to work lads
price higher/work harder!

Clean Cloth

  • Posts: 152
So from what I understand, it is a taxable grant for 80% of your average monthly wage for the last 3 years.

HMRC will contact those who are eligible.

It is in addition to being able to carry on working.

No mention of means testing.

James Styles

  • Posts: 377
Oh well, I’ve been SE for 10 months, so looks like all I’m entitled to is universal credit ffs, people will say “carry on working” but my round is small and I have quite a few old customers who don’t pay online, I have some that I need to go through the house, I still have some messers and the other ones most likely just won’t want me cleaning the windows at this moment, plus it’s only likely to become worse so stricter lockdowns will most likely happen which means I couldn’t work for long anyways. Fed up.


  • Posts: 601
Will be be allowed to apply for Universal Credit aswell? I know it's only £90 odd quid a week but that will add up between now and June and will pay a few bills.

Clean Cloth

  • Posts: 152
also dont contact them...THEYLL CONTACT YOU IF YOUR ELIGIBLE! ::)roll

better get off to work lads

To be eligible you need to have submitted a tax return for 2019 and have profits of under 50k.

Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
I think it sounds pretty good though I think I would've preferred a universal basic income on the grounds it would be easier to administer, everyone would get it (there are some, like the n00bs who are going to fall between the cracks) and Jun is two-and-a-half months away.

But from a personal point of view, I'm happy.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am


  • Posts: 670
Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm out in the shed with background noise but didn't he say that 95% of all self employed would be eligible for this payout scheme with those not eligible earning the big money?

That is what I heard, also noticed him state that we can't be expected to be treated the same and not pay the same, maybe different wording ;D

Life used to be full of up's and i hardly ever get up a ladder :) .

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Oh well, I’ve been SE for 10 months, so looks like all I’m entitled to is universal credit ffs, people will say “carry on working” but my round is small and I have quite a few old customers who don’t pay online, I have some that I need to go through the house, I still have some messers and the other ones most likely just won’t want me cleaning the windows at this moment, plus it’s only likely to become worse so stricter lockdowns will most likely happen which means I couldn’t work for long anyways. Fed up.
I did think about you when he mentioned the 12 months, James.
Bad news, mate.