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  • Posts: 25976
Please be civil to each other.
It's a game of three halves!

wayne m

  • Posts: 344
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3500
Clear as mud.

Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


  • Posts: 2501
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Tell them you’re self isolating 👍
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 8369
Clear as mud.


It’s clear.

Its only muddy if they havent said what you want them to say. You’re still looking for what you wanted, or what you think they should’ve said or offered.

Tyler Williams

  • Posts: 24
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Correct me if I'm wrong I was partially listening to it (the missus decided to clean up as I was trying to listen 🙄) but didnt he say you could work AND claim it's to make up any profit shortfall effectively?

Maybe I'm imagining things 😂

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3500
Clear as mud.


It’s clear.

Its only muddy if they havent said what you want them to say. You’re still looking for what you wanted, or what you think they should’ve said or offered.


I’ve missed the point that I was looking for, does it apply to window cleaners?
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher

wayne m

  • Posts: 344
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Tell them you’re self isolating
Are you not doing any of your jobs now then until June and waiting for the one off payment ?


  • Posts: 5080
Pointless discussing until the fine print is released overnight tonight. There was quite a few worrying sentences in there. I’m still not banking on any help whatsoever.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 3873
But surely that’s only for the self employed who can’t work because of Coronavirus because as it stands we are allowed to go out and work if we follow the safe distance rules etc so if no one is working cleaning it’s because they have chose not to or because they have the virus?

Correct me if I'm wrong I was partially listening to it (the missus decided to clean up as I was trying to listen 🙄) but didnt he say you could work AND claim it's to make up any profit shortfall effectively?

Maybe I'm imagining things 😂
Thats how i read it, what they give you will be taxable but nothing stating you cant  or shouldn't work as money earned with also be taxed (which benefits them to a degree)...the latter needs clarifying really.
Will leave it to my accountant.


  • Posts: 3931
Il go back to work in May all being well

wayne m

  • Posts: 344
I did hear that but thought surely that can’t be right.... can it? Carry on working and get 3 months payment

Windy Miller

  • Posts: 121
Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm out in the shed with background noise but didn't he say that 95% of all self employed would be eligible for this payout scheme with those not eligible earning the big money?

wayne m

  • Posts: 344
So taxi drivers and hairdressers etc who are not working at the moment get the same one off payment in June as us but we can carry on working earning as well?

John Mart

As I read it. You stop work and in June you’ll get 80% of your average profit over the last 3 years. Expect a big rise in NI at the end. You have to last until June though.


  • Posts: 1965
The vast majority of us will suffer in varying degrees except Daz of course. We have lost commercial jobs, chosen to close to protect our own or our staff's health and have tried to be responsible.
If the deal from No 11 is to support 95% of the self employed up to £2500 then that is a good help. Those of us who either aren't affected can't/wont claim. The rest will claim and it will all come out in the wash when the accounts are done. I am down quite a chunk at the moment.


  • Posts: 577
will they turn round and say you can work not entitled, who knows.


  • Posts: 933
Whether it applies to us directly because we're still allowed to wotk or not, it will help us indirectly as it may slow down the avalache of cancellations that were coming our way if they hadn't introduced it.


  • Posts: 949
My concern is they will say oh well lots of other window cleaners chose to carry on working, but you decided not to for (insert personal reason) and they will turn around and say you could of worked but you didnt say your not getting anything at all...

Thats what im worried about.

Im self isolating for the next 4-8 weeks to keep my partner safe.  I hope that reason is valid enough for me to qualify for the 80% payout in june backdated 3 months.


  • Posts: 986
In reply to Daz's post on the locked thread. I have never seen or heard anny official news to say we can work. I have stopped because of moral reasons. Even through non contact I don't want to be accused of causing someone to get the virus and die, through moving house to house. Its a claim society nowadays how many calls do we get per week for non existent accident claims no win no fee. Next its going to be have you or family member had corona. Did you have any tradesmen visit during lockdown? You could be entitled to compensation"
Cheers Rich