The "non essential business trading" bit............. You'll see i'm right in a day or two when they're all getting sent home. And i'll remind you. Anyway, you can't tell when a factory is open or closed 
That's for places where people congregate to buy tat like scatter cushions. It's to stop crowds of people bunching up for non essential items.
Or hairdressers where they come into close contact and can spread the disease; you can't cut hair from 2 metres away.
Here's the rules; they've even been updated and expanded upon since yesterday:
But no change to us.
Ok, i'll try this approach with you... i'm not liking any of it just like you don't like it. But i'm a realist, and you can look at what is happening in other Countrys to get a feel of what is going to happen here. If you look at various Police Authorities Social Media across the Country you will get an actuall feel for what is going on and happening. Like i said before, things are changing daily, and fast. Few days ago i was in a queue to get into Tescos, store was full of people and there was no stock. Now its orderly queues and stand on the marked lines and there is full stock. Couple of days ago i ordered a Kebab, went in and picked it up when i was picked the missus up from work (i posted about it, check my back posts)......... you can't do that now. Police are sending people home who are in parks sunbathing on their own, telling them to get kids indoors, not drive in your car...even for a sunset view........... Their Twitter feeds are full of pics of empty streets and how they are patrolling and making sure everyone is staying at home. You think you're gonna see a window cleaner pull up in his van and start cleaning house windows in any of that scenario ? And the cheery copper waves him on...... "Good to see the window cleaners bringing some normality to a gloomy situation". I don't think so.
I'm torn, i don't know whether to think you're demented as i usually class you as an intelligent guy if somewhat narcissistic . Or you're genuinely confused and its the lack of clear straightforeward orders as opposed to using your own brain thats confusing you. Maybe i'm sorry for having a snide dig at you like that, i dunno. But what i do know is you and a lot of others are in denial. I hope i'm wrong, i hope what i've said makes me look like a complete d. ick. head. If thats the worst that comes out of this situation i'll be happy to have that title. I'll just keep all my work next month and the month after and be the CIU idiot................... Not gonna happen.