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G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #140 on: March 27, 2020, 12:56:06 am »
Or hairdressers where they come into close contact and can spread the disease; you can't cut hair from 2 metres away.
You've got a lovely way with words.
You sound like Trump.


  • Posts: 15083
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #141 on: March 27, 2020, 01:35:23 am »
The "non essential business trading" bit............. You'll see i'm right in a day or two when they're all getting sent home. And i'll remind you. Anyway, you can't tell when a factory is open or closed  ;D

That's for places where people congregate to buy tat like scatter cushions.  It's to stop crowds of people bunching up for non essential items.

Or hairdressers where they come into close contact and can spread the disease; you can't cut hair from 2 metres away.

Here's the rules; they've even been updated and expanded upon since yesterday:

But no change to us.

Ok, i'll try this approach with you... i'm not liking any of it just like you don't like it. But i'm a realist, and you can look at what is happening in other Countrys to get a feel of what is going to happen here. If you look at various Police Authorities Social Media across the Country you will get an actuall feel for what is going on and happening. Like i said before, things are changing daily, and fast. Few days ago i was in a queue to get into Tescos, store was full of people and there was no stock. Now its orderly queues and stand on the marked lines and there is full stock. Couple of days ago i ordered a Kebab, went in and picked it up when i was picked the missus up from work (i posted about it, check my back posts)......... you can't do that now. Police are sending people home who are in parks sunbathing on their own, telling them to get kids indoors, not drive in your car...even for a sunset view........... Their Twitter feeds are full of pics of empty streets and how they are patrolling and making sure everyone is staying at home. You think you're gonna see a window cleaner pull up in his van and start cleaning house windows in any of that scenario ? And the cheery copper waves him on...... "Good to see the window cleaners bringing some normality to a gloomy situation". I don't think so.
 I'm torn, i don't know whether to think you're demented as i usually class you as an intelligent guy if somewhat narcissistic . Or you're genuinely confused and its the lack of clear straightforeward orders as opposed to using your own brain thats confusing you. Maybe i'm sorry for having a snide dig at you like that, i dunno. But what i do know is you and a lot of others are in denial. I hope i'm wrong, i hope what i've said makes me look like a complete d. ick. head. If thats the worst that comes out of this situation i'll be happy to have that title.  I'll just keep all my work next month and the month after  and be the CIU idiot................... Not gonna happen.
*Status*--------Currently Online---------

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #142 on: March 27, 2020, 02:00:15 am »
The "non essential business trading" bit............. You'll see i'm right in a day or two when they're all getting sent home. And i'll remind you. Anyway, you can't tell when a factory is open or closed  ;D

That's for places where people congregate to buy tat like scatter cushions.  It's to stop crowds of people bunching up for non essential items.

Or hairdressers where they come into close contact and can spread the disease; you can't cut hair from 2 metres away.

Here's the rules; they've even been updated and expanded upon since yesterday:

But no change to us.

Ok, i'll try this approach with you... i'm not liking any of it just like you don't like it. But i'm a realist, and you can look at what is happening in other Countrys to get a feel of what is going to happen here. If you look at various Police Authorities Social Media across the Country you will get an actuall feel for what is going on and happening. Like i said before, things are changing daily, and fast. Few days ago i was in a queue to get into Tescos, store was full of people and there was no stock. Now its orderly queues and stand on the marked lines and there is full stock. Couple of days ago i ordered a Kebab, went in and picked it up when i was picked the missus up from work (i posted about it, check my back posts)......... you can't do that now. Police are sending people home who are in parks sunbathing on their own, telling them to get kids indoors, not drive in your car...even for a sunset view........... Their Twitter feeds are full of pics of empty streets and how they are patrolling and making sure everyone is staying at home. You think you're gonna see a window cleaner pull up in his van and start cleaning house windows in any of that scenario ? And the cheery copper waves him on...... "Good to see the window cleaners bringing some normality to a gloomy situation". I don't think so.
 I'm torn, i don't know whether to think you're demented as i usually class you as an intelligent guy if somewhat narcissistic . Or you're genuinely confused and its the lack of clear straightforeward orders as opposed to using your own brain thats confusing you. Maybe i'm sorry for having a snide dig at you like that, i dunno. But what i do know is you and a lot of others are in denial. I hope i'm wrong, i hope what i've said makes me look like a complete d. ick. head. If thats the worst that comes out of this situation i'll be happy to have that title.  I'll just keep all my work next month and the month after  and be the CIU idiot................... Not gonna happen.
Excellent post, Mike.
They are scared of having their routines disturbed. It's a pandemic, ffs. The biggest crisis that we will ever face. Military planners are building temporary hospitals. London's expecting a tsunami of cases. And they want to know when they can rub some glass.
The government, in the hope of some compliance, bung them a few grand and they are cock-a-hoop.
What a result, free money and they can still rub glass.
But it's not even started.


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #143 on: March 27, 2020, 05:48:20 am »

But no change to us.

Ok, i'll try this approach with you... i'm not liking any of it just like you don't like it. But i'm a realist, and you can look at what is happening in other Countrys to get a feel of what is going to happen here. If you look at various Police Authorities Social Media across the Country you will get an actuall feel for what is going on and happening. Like i said before, things are changing daily, and fast. Few days ago i was in a queue to get into Tescos, store was full of people and there was no stock. Now its orderly queues and stand on the marked lines and there is full stock. Couple of days ago i ordered a Kebab, went in and picked it up when i was picked the missus up from work (i posted about it, check my back posts)......... you can't do that now. Police are sending people home who are in parks sunbathing on their own, telling them to get kids indoors, not drive in your car...even for a sunset view........... Their Twitter feeds are full of pics of empty streets and how they are patrolling and making sure everyone is staying at home. You think you're gonna see a window cleaner pull up in his van and start cleaning house windows in any of that scenario ? And the cheery copper waves him on...... "Good to see the window cleaners bringing some normality to a gloomy situation". I don't think so.
 I'm torn, i don't know whether to think you're demented as i usually class you as an intelligent guy if somewhat narcissistic . Or you're genuinely confused and its the lack of clear straightforeward orders as opposed to using your own brain thats confusing you. Maybe i'm sorry for having a snide dig at you like that, i dunno. But what i do know is you and a lot of others are in denial. I hope i'm wrong, i hope what i've said makes me look like a complete d. ick. head. If thats the worst that comes out of this situation i'll be happy to have that title.  I'll just keep all my work next month and the month after  and be the CIU idiot................... Not gonna happen.

Did you read the Government Official Guidance in Tosh's link?
It's very clear that we can continue to work if we follow the Public Health England advice to the letter.
I don't know if you watched the Fiona Bruce Question Time last night but the Minister on there (Robert Jenrick Communities Secretary) said exactly what the advice is.
Self Employed Workers whose work absolutely CANNOT be done from home, and especially if they don't have to use public transport CAN and SHOULD continue to work and MUST work safely using the Government advice set out by Public Health England.
One of the Plebs

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #144 on: March 27, 2020, 07:58:59 am »
Things are changing, Andy. They will continually change.
The government guidelines and deals that they have handed out are not the end of this.
It's only just the beginning.
Like, CleanClear, I hope I'm wrong, too.


  • Posts: 2092
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #145 on: March 27, 2020, 08:02:07 am »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #146 on: March 27, 2020, 08:14:39 am »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told
So you're passing coppers all day long? Why aren't you doing what you are told and staying home?


  • Posts: 823
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #147 on: March 27, 2020, 11:20:58 am »
Big shout out to Hari Kari Banzai and the Grumpy Griffin for keeping me amused during these difficult times.
Missus thinks I've gone mad PMSL here! ;D
BTW BoJo's got it now so I expect Soupy will be dancing around the haggis.

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4892
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #148 on: March 27, 2020, 11:35:42 am »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told

You have to forgive Griff.

He’s from Liverpool so he’s thinking that if they start getting pulled over more than normal, he’ll be getting pulled over on his walk to the toilet, asking if it’s necessary.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #149 on: March 27, 2020, 11:49:42 am »
Big shout out to Hari Kari Banzai and the Grumpy Griffin for keeping me amused during these difficult times.
Missus thinks I've gone mad PMSL here! ;D
BTW BoJo's got it now so I expect Soupy will be dancing around the haggis.
My Missus looks after us both.
But I have to earn my pocket money.

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #150 on: March 27, 2020, 11:54:27 am »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told

You have to forgive Griff.

He’s from Liverpool so he’s thinking that if they start getting pulled over more than normal, he’ll be getting pulled over on his walk to the toilet, asking if it’s necessary.
I'm not.
But I get the benefits of being a Scouser- football team, wit and being good at helping myself to stuff- without the stigma of being one.

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4892
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #151 on: March 27, 2020, 12:36:04 pm »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told

You have to forgive Griff.

He’s from Liverpool so he’s thinking that if they start getting pulled over more than normal, he’ll be getting pulled over on his walk to the toilet, asking if it’s necessary.
I'm not.
But I get the benefits of being a Scouser- football team, wit and being good at helping myself to stuff- without the stigma of being one.

Talking of your footy team, I genuinely hope you get the league this season; not sure there’s ever been a side more deserving.

(I know that’s not window cleaning related, so delete if necessary )


  • Posts: 3873
Re: Whys it greedy to work
« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2020, 12:39:22 pm »
Yeah your a dk head 😁i dont know what part of country your from but where i live none of what you said is going on pass coppers all day long and they dont do anything maybe its because i live in the smaller town areas where all the respectable people live that does as they are told

You have to forgive Griff.

He’s from Liverpool so he’s thinking that if they start getting pulled over more than normal, he’ll be getting pulled over on his walk to the toilet, asking if it’s necessary.
I'm not.
But I get the benefits of being a Scouser- football team, wit and being good at helping myself to stuff- without the stigma of being one.

Talking of your footy team, I genuinely hope you get the league this season; not sure there’s ever been a side more deserving.

(I know that’s not window cleaning related, so delete if necessary )
Nope thats perfectly ok Don Kee  ;D