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  • Posts: 21091
From a health and safety perspective - we go out in pairs and visit many pensioner's houses - best stay at home.

From a moral perspective - it's impossible to be out working and not have some interaction that would be otherwise avoided, buying fuel etc, the more people who stay at home the less people will die - best stay at home.

From a business perspective - it's going to be a mess. Boris and his shower of charlatans can't be relied upon for anything. He's a proven liar and a terrible leader, as demonstrated by the chaos yesterday. When this is over I'll pick up the pieces, having seen the social media shaming of window cleaners who went out yesterday I think there will be more pieces to pick up if we're closed - best stay at home.

i think this pandemic will go on longer than a few months could be 2 YEARS i reckon(on and off lockdowns).......cant you send workers out on their van,one man?

I've made my decision. The lads are taking enforced holidays for two weeks, we'll see what's what in two weeks time.

simon w

  • Posts: 1685
From a health and safety perspective - we go out in pairs and visit many pensioner's houses - best stay at home.

From a moral perspective - it's impossible to be out working and not have some interaction that would be otherwise avoided, buying fuel etc, the more people who stay at home the less people will die - best stay at home.

From a business perspective - it's going to be a mess. Boris and his shower of charlatans can't be relied upon for anything. He's a proven liar and a terrible leader, as demonstrated by the chaos yesterday. When this is over I'll pick up the pieces, having seen the social media shaming of window cleaners who went out yesterday I think there will be more pieces to pick up if we're closed - best stay at home.

Hi Soupy

Can you not make changes and adapt your business so you can continue to work?

We had a monthly large community centre close it's doors last week and postpone it's monthly window clean. Staff are still working doing decorating and deep cleaning to kitchens etc inside. Anyway I suggested that as the car park  is empty it would be a good time to have their gutters and gullies cleaned out of debris. They agreed and asked for a quote this has now been accepted and will cover the cost of loosing the next five window cleans at this property..

Opportunities are still showing themselves even in this uncertain time


  • Posts: 21091
From a health and safety perspective - we go out in pairs and visit many pensioner's houses - best stay at home.

From a moral perspective - it's impossible to be out working and not have some interaction that would be otherwise avoided, buying fuel etc, the more people who stay at home the less people will die - best stay at home.

From a business perspective - it's going to be a mess. Boris and his shower of charlatans can't be relied upon for anything. He's a proven liar and a terrible leader, as demonstrated by the chaos yesterday. When this is over I'll pick up the pieces, having seen the social media shaming of window cleaners who went out yesterday I think there will be more pieces to pick up if we're closed - best stay at home.

Hi Soupy

Can you not make changes and adapt your business so you can continue to work?

We had a monthly large community centre close it's doors last week and postpone it's monthly window clean. Staff are still working doing decorating and deep cleaning to kitchens etc inside. Anyway I suggested that as the car park  is empty it would be a good time to have their gutters and gullies cleaned out of debris. They agreed and asked for a quote this has now been accepted and will cover the cost of loosing the next five window cleans at this property..

Not in a way I'd consider safe.

The safety of my employees and customers is my No1 priority.


  • Posts: 432
I am sorry but you can not possibly know that your are not passing on the virus  by cross contamination it is nieve to think that.beleve me  what makes you think customers even want you on there property.window cleaning is not esential you can argue until the cows come.. it's as simple as that every one as a moral duty to do the right thing the sooner  it sinks in the better.. I'm fed up with all the  bill poop arguments to go out to work. I accept its hard. I have  moreason to stay at home my wife works on front line  N  H  S  she is putting her life  on the line every single day  for us  she said it feels like a slap in the face when she  read people not doing the  right thing...... stay safe.


  • Posts: 8369
Its not the safety of your customers and employees you need to think of, its the NHS.


  • Posts: 8369
what makes you think customers even want you on there property.

I have a three day job starting today, the guy rang me yesterday asking me if I am ok to still crack on. He wants the work doing.

That's how I know.

I have a solar panel job for next week. The guy emailed me last week, I gave him the quote, told him next week, he said fine.



  • Posts: 24197
I dont want to get into an argument but its ok for government to say stay at home but 3 or even maybe 12 weeks of work is gonna cripple alot of window cleaners ,its not just the time of its gonna be the months after it may even take a long time to get back on straight and narrow ,alot of people are gonna get into serious debt over this ,things still need paying mortgage, food,electric, gas,phone bills,tv licenses, sky and before anyone says cut sky of thats gonna play a big part of the isolation and probably alot more bills on top of that money doesn't last long

your still allowed to just get out there and do it.....
price higher/work harder!

Matthew Barnes

  • Posts: 3
If we're a good distance away etc then there is no way we can pass it on or receive it.Some off us HAVE to work.For several reasons we dont have much money behind us.It'll be reduced anyway but something has to be earned for me.When they help us out then I'll stop.


  • Posts: 8539
The government has always looked at  self employed industries with suspicion with regard to tax evasion - cash in hand jobs.
There was a comment that the government was looking at the plight of the self employed if they were to stop working. It will be interesting to see how they handle this.
After all, if the government did pay 80% of our earnings say based on last year's tax return, what's to stop some individuals taking that 80% and continuing to work?
Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)


  • Posts: 8369


  • Posts: 5080
The government has always looked at  self employed industries with suspicion with regard to tax evasion - cash in hand jobs.
There was a comment that the government was looking at the plight of the self employed if they were to stop working. It will be interesting to see how they handle this.
After all, if the government did pay 80% of our earnings say based on last year's tax return, what's to stop some individuals taking that 80% and continuing to work?

What’s to stop employed individuals taking the 80% and working cash in hand?

I know someone who is trying to do  just that.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 21091
Its not the safety of your customers and employees you need to think of, its the NHS.

That's Boris's job. Sadly.


  • Posts: 2222
From a health and safety perspective - we go out in pairs and visit many pensioner's houses - best stay at home.

From a moral perspective - it's impossible to be out working and not have some interaction that would be otherwise avoided, buying fuel etc, the more people who stay at home the less people will die - best stay at home.

From a business perspective - it's going to be a mess. Boris and his shower of charlatans can't be relied upon for anything. He's a proven liar and a terrible leader, as demonstrated by the chaos yesterday. When this is over I'll pick up the pieces, having seen the social media shaming of window cleaners who went out yesterday I think there will be more pieces to pick up if we're closed - best stay at home.

What was it, 2 pictures yesterday on Facebook soupy? Don’t let that influence a decision. Neanderthals can still poorly type a Facebook post as they sit their getting the weekly dole check.

All my customers have been supportive and are glad I am carrying on for now. I’ve even picked up 3 new jobs this week.

I’m going out alone now, (not taking another worker with me) and also not going to come into contact with anyone. I’ll physically stand 2 metres away if someone comes to the door and they can leave the money on the step.

The business doesn’t have to be a shambles, just work safely.

Everyone else is getting looked after by the government, we’ve just got to fend for ourselves unfortunately.

When all is said and done and businesses go bankrupt, can’t pay mortgages, then the government will say, “but why did you stop work”, “you were told you could safely carry on”.
When your employees aren’t entitled to the 80% wage, the governments response will be the same.

The real shame in this is why self employed people aren’t getting the same help as employed.

Wow Johhny you read my mind  ;D


  • Posts: 823
The government has always looked at  self employed industries with suspicion with regard to tax evasion - cash in hand jobs.
There was a comment that the government was looking at the plight of the self employed if they were to stop working. It will be interesting to see how they handle this.
After all, if the government did pay 80% of our earnings say based on last year's tax return, what's to stop some individuals taking that 80% and continuing to work?

What’s to stop employed individuals taking the 80% and working cash in hand?

I know someone who is trying to do  just that.
Just wait what happens when they see window cleaners are still out working.
How many will be topping up their 80% wages with a bit of window cleaning on the side.
If people are prepared to commit benefit fraud by window cleaning on the side when they're on the dole what's to stop others when it's not a crime?

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 4049
Following the clear directive of the Scottish government yesterday I am going out to work today. If this directive changes over the coming days I will adhere to the advice given.
 I will be using safe working practices that if all the information on the spreading of this virus is to be believed, leaves zero chance of me either passing or contracting the virus. Of course I expect a little resistance from a few customers and I will try to reason with them where possible, if they are still not happy I will respect their view point and miss them out. I have put a covering note stapled on to my windows cleaned today slip to explain that by social distancing and safe working practice it is safe for me to work. I have also put 2 laminated signs on the windows of my van to reassure members of the public I am encouraged to work in the community using safe working practices.
Have a good day peeps whether you decide to work or not.


  • Posts: 25976
I get the Money Saving Expert email. Cut and paste below is a statement from Martin Lewis for what it is worth.

The new coronavirus need-to-knows
1) SELF EMPLOYED/FREELANCE? Try to hold on - the support package should come this week. There's a real feeling of panic growing among the UK's self-employed. While there are some measures in place, they're simply not enough yet, so I've two important points...

a) I have it officially CONFIRMED the Govt is working on a further support package (some reports say it'll be as soon as Wed, but it'll almost certainly be by Fri). I don't know what it is, but suspect it'll be on a par with the 80% of your salary up to £2,500 for employees. So hold tight, and don't make any drastic decisions until that's announced.

For more, and for updates when we get news, see our self-employed coronavirus help including my video briefing.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 6100
I get the Money Saving Expert email. Cut and paste below is a statement from Martin Lewis for what it is worth.

The new coronavirus need-to-knows
1) SELF EMPLOYED/FREELANCE? Try to hold on - the support package should come this week. There's a real feeling of panic growing among the UK's self-employed. While there are some measures in place, they're simply not enough yet, so I've two important points...

a) I have it officially CONFIRMED the Govt is working on a further support package (some reports say it'll be as soon as Wed, but it'll almost certainly be by Fri). I don't know what it is, but suspect it'll be on a par with the 80% of your salary up to £2,500 for employees. So hold tight, and don't make any drastic decisions until that's announced.

For more, and for updates when we get news, see our self-employed coronavirus help including my video briefing.

Let's hope Boris is on the screen today giving us that reassurance.
One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 313
The Chancellor does not wish to pay Self Employed NOT AFFECTED by the situation, Home Workers etc,

Sites remain open and the message is "Go To Work If You Cannot Work From Home" because this is The Largest Self Employed Sector and he knows we  cannot survive without support - quite a dilemma

The Media response drives Public Opinion which affects us all - hopefully the message will get through

Personally think it would be better to lockdown - Key Workers Only - UBI for all

The economic scenario is "tricky" but resolvable in time

Just my thoughts...

Keep Well


Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
What’s to stop employed individuals taking the 80% and working cash in hand?

I know someone who is trying to do  just that.

Nothing.  My daughter could do that; instead she's in bed.  X-Box again later.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am

Missing Link

  • Posts: 45767
The economic scenario is "tricky" but resolvable in time

The kids not at school will end up finishing paying for this one.
Pronouns She/Her/Madam/Ma'am