Mate of mine has lost a massive chunk of window cleaning work in the last week, he did loads of restaurants and shopping centres etc, they’ve all shut down. So no income.
I'm kinda lucky in that about 20% of my work is commercial, much of which won't be getting done till things pick up (I don't believe it's lost), but that was mostly the best part of our work.
Just printing out a letter, along the lines of what Soupy posted, and I'm going to deliver it to my domestic customers (I'll e-mail and text some too):
Dear Customer,
Following guidance from the government we have taken the following steps to help safeguard our customers and ourselves.
We will, for the time being, not enter into any homes to carry out inside cleaning.
We encourage all customers to pay online. If this is not possible, please leave payment on the door step.
We will have limited interaction and we will respect the government's social distancing rules.
We will wash or anti-bac between jobs.
You are still welcome to wave at us through the windows.
Obviously this situation is developing rapidly and we will take whatever steps required of us, but for the time being it is business as usual (as usual as possible in the circumstances).
And if you're an at risk customer and require anything from the shops, please do not hesitate to give us a shout.
If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me over the phone or via email or facebook.