People do get it but its also important not to get carried away in all the negatives and worse case scenorios.
Oh yes i do get it, my wifes nanna is in a care centre which may now have it. My mother in law is self isolating as she has flu like symptoms, aches and tight chest etc. So yes, i do get the full weight of it.
Yes the economy could come crashing down if severe action isnt taken.
However the estimated figures of ones who have had it or have it is very high in relation to all the panic and control that is being done about it.
Some are afraid to go out after yesterdays anouncements and some are scared for their lives. However, if ones who have underlying health issues regulate themselves whilst being sensible about it and if others suck it up and stay in when they are unwell, then it shouldnt be as bad as what people trump it up to being.
Its spreaded so easily because, lets face it, the vast majority couldnt give two hoots and would carry on regardless. Some have said on here as much. Yet if they follow basic hygiene, cover their mouths when coughing and wash / sanitize their hands. Sneeze and dispose of their snotty tissues etc correctly then this wouldnt have escalated.
Perhaps now people will take health a little more seriously and wash their hands when they go to public loos rather than touching everything in stores and pass their germs around.
It takes a virus with potential life threatening conditions and the threat of a failing economy to bring people to their senses.
However, in the grand scheme of things, 55 have died sadly, yet hundreds have pulled through and will continue to do so, my mother in law included