Wonder at what stage this will effect our industry? With all the contact we have with the public throughout the day. Commercial, residential and general public.
I've had 3 cancellations because of it!
Well it won't affect me anywhere near as much as the vast majority of people who go to work... With other people.I clean windows, very rare I come into contact with anyone when I'm out. Just clean and stick a note in. Try not to talk to customers where possible.But if it gets really bad then it will affect all businesses badly if everyone is off sick or having to close places down.
Look at these stats for ordinary influenza - In total, 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalised and 61,200 died. Don't panic!
The worry became quite real for our family due to no fault of our own and it really made us think twice about how Covid-19 can effect us.So my youngest daughter gets invited to a swimming party with her friends. The father of one of the girls offered to take three girls in his car and my wife used her car as well. A few days later we get a call from the guy's wife to let us know that he has been admitted to hospital with suspect Covid -19 Apparently he had just returned from a business trip from Italy earlier that week. Our local health workers contacted us to ask us to self quarantine until the results came back. Of course our whole family started to get paranoid and any cough or tickle became quite worrying. So Sunday came and we get the all clear because the guy has just got the normal strain of influenza.