Just seen this on the facebook window cleaning page. Theres isn't much good that gets posted on there its mostly utter tripe, but i really enjoyed reading this one!! I prefer Joe
"Dave has 20 customers lined up and it's raining.
Joe has 20 customers lined up and it's raining.
Dave knows that 2 of his customers are going to cancel so decides to stay at home and scratch his balls.
Joe knows 2 of his customers are going to cancel so decides to go to work and clean the other 18 and come home with £250 in his sky rocket.
Dave thinks he's clever and has a good business plan.
On the other hand Joe has an up and coming meeting with his bank manager as he ponders another buy to let property.
Friends don't let Dave ruin your life by taking his advice, rather choose a successful person to help guide you in your financial decsion making .
My charge for this vital information is zero, exactly the same sum as Dave makes on rainy days.
God bless you all.