There was 2 times (years back) when ive cleaned the wrong house. The first is when I first ever did canvassing. The next day I went out cleaning them and posted my tickets. That evening went collecting and a big dude gave me a mouth full about cleaning his windows and if it was a joke etc etc. It turned out he was a window cleaner 😂😂
The 2nd time, I was helping a friend clean his friends round whilst he was away. Anyway, I'm cleaning this bungalow and saw this little old dear on the settee with a blanket. She started looking scared and nearly hiding under the blanket. So I went round back to speak to my mate about it, and sure enough, i was right! We were only cleaning the wrong one. We quickly posted a note to apologise for cleaning wrong bungalow 😁 we thought if we knock, she might have an heart attack!
So its easily done to clean the wrong house, doubt anyone would purposely clean a random house