I was going to order some new pre filters and a ro membrane but these readings have confirmed this! My tap TDS is 292, after the pre filters and ro it’s only bringing it down to 92, my waste is roughly 3.75 lpm and good is roughly 1.5 lpm. Waste valve is as closed as can be on my system so assume they come pre set from pure freedom? Sorry to all you lot but this is all new to me even though been window cleaning for 19 years. So if I order a new set of filters and a booster pump would this be sorted and what ro filter is best with those figures a hf4 or hf5? Thanks again
At 92ppm your membrane is shot. Its only removing 69% of the dissolved solids in the water. A supplier once told me that he says the cutoff point is around 94%.
I would order a new Axeon HF5 membrane, new sediment and carbon block filters and a new waste gate valve. But I would order the Gate valve from a local plumbing outlet. PureFreedom drill a hole through the paddle of the valve to ensure that Its impossible to close the waste off totally.
I would just instruct myself to never fully close the gate valve. (I drilled a 1mm hole through mine, but I believe PF drill a bigger hole. The idea is that if the valve is fully closed it will still allow a 3 to 1 waste to pure ratio.)
As far as I'm concerned you need to have a better control of your waste water. I would start at a ratio of 2 to 1 and slowly tweek the gate valve closed to see where your sweet spot is, ie where the membrane is working at its most efficient. This will take time as each adjustment needs time to settle in for you take a new reading. Then mark the gate valve so you know where to set it back to when you open the valve fully to flush the membrane.