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At the end of the day,it is a business we are running.I can fully understand the £5 price up north,that is not the issue.the issue is that i priced a job up at £12,which included a very small conservatory,and in order for me to do a descent job,that was a reasonable price.People that say a fiver are fools to themself.I worked on site as a bricklayer before this,earning about £120 a day.I did not intend to have my own business and earn less than when i was working for someone else.Its no wonder window cleaners are looked at like scum,half of them bring it on themselves.By the way,this is not intended as a dig to the plenty of descent people on this forum,some of whom seem great fellas.
Each to their own, I say. Live and let live. Charge what you like & whatever makes you happy & earns you a decent living.
Tell the customer what you are willing to clean their windows for and as long as your happy with the price then thats all that matters, if the customer thinks your to expensive then let them ring somebody else.At the end of the day the cheapest is always the cheapest but not nessacarily the best.Round here most of us wc,s have a set price as we all no each other near enough and this helps keep the price up and we,re always smiling/
I have been pushing the boundaries a bit on prices recently. I dislike being that way but my financial situation from past mistakes isn't leaving me much choice. I can live with getting 1 in 3 of the jobs I quote for. My view of work is more like Matt's inasmuch that it is part of my life but not my life. In some respects, I believe that I am getting the best of both worlds because of my situation. I am getting new work now at some pretty good prices but I also have a set of priorities that I am happy with.No-one ever laid on their deathbed wishing they had done more overtime.
the estate i just moved from had a load of 2&3 bed houses A few flats & afew bungalows all housing association types i charged all the houses £3 & 2.50 for flats & bungalows it took me 2 6hr days to do £180 id of lost them all if id gone to a fiver, i used to labour for 6.50hr who needs a fiver a house???
Hi,Rosskesava, In your posting you said......... I spoke to him about his prices and I think that he is scared to ask for more and I also think that because of his posture, he probably would loose jobs if he put his prices up.I take it that you refer to his general appearance, track suit bottom's, string t-shirt & the like.Be smart for smart prices say I who is just off to work in my pressed blue shirt.Kevin WINDOLENE